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*just as Jess was about to say something Leo came bursting into the room*
Leo- what's with all the shouting? We can hear you from downstairs mum said if you're gonna argue then take it somewhere else
Jess- *looks at Max with glossy eyes* there's no argument nothing's going on here max was just leaving
Leo- okay come on max *he says taking max under the arm and closing Jess's door*
Jess's PoV
That's not possible, it's just not possible, so much has happened first the fight then my mum disowning me then my brother leaving and now Max has feelings for me?! I seriously don't know how much more of this I can take. Something's pointing me to the boys and I don't know what but like I said before it's like they're the magnets and I'm the metal I don't know what's going on but I'm going to find out I have to. Someone wants me back in the boys lives and wants them back in mine because I was fine without them, I mean I think I was, was i? I think I just need to try and avoid max until I can sort my head out I know I feel the same as him but so much is happening right now
*the next day*
Jess- hey Sara could you give me a lift to school today because my ribs are really hurting?
Sara- of course hunny have you taken your medication?
Jess- as soon as I woke up
Sara- okay good, make your way out to the car I will be there shortly
*in the car*
Sara- so why are you avoiding the boys?
Jess- huh?
Sara- I'm not as stupid as I look Jess hunny I heard what the fight was about last night and I know where you're coming from, I've noticed a change in max too and then when all that came out last night he went really quiet and wouldn't come out of his room and now you today you're avoiding them you woke up later and asked me to drive you to avoid the boys it's fine I just hope you guys figure it out soon.
Jess- me and Harvey are back to normal it's just
Sara- Max
Jess- yes
Sara- I'm sure everything will work out eventually it always does with you guys! Anyway we're here I will see you after school. Would you like me to pick you up?
Jess- no it's okay I'm gonna take the walk by myself and clear my head
Sara- okay sweetie just be safe
Jess- I will *she says while getting out of the car and shutting the door*
*jess walks to first period and it's dance and it's obvious that she can't do it because of her arm and ribs so she's sat out and surprise surprise Max is in there sat down observing what he needs to do when he gets better.*
Ayla- *comes over mid dance practice* don't look now but tall dark and handsome keeps starring at you, he can't keep your eyes off you
Jess- oh great
Ayla- you guys still not okay?
Jess- no and I don't think we ever will be, me and Harvey are though me and him are back to normal
Ayla- well that's good Harvey seemed lost without you he keeps telling me about all the memories you guys have made
Jess- yeah Harvey always remembers everything, that's one of his specialities *she giggles but again hurts her ribs*
Ayla- what have I told you about being careful?
Jess- sorry mum *she jokes*
Teacher- Ayla! Come on!
Ayla- shit gotta go speak to you when lessons finished *she says while skipping away*
Boys teacher- Mills! Instead of staring at her go talk to her already! The tension is killing me! Get you crutches and hobble!
*Max does as he is told to stop anymore embarrassment*
Max- I'm sorry about that
Jess- it's fine *she says looking away from him*
Max- jess look at me
Jess- not now max
Max- it's always not now with you Jess why don't you just speak to me?
Jess- because it hurts max *she blurts out with tears trickling down her cheeks*
Max- what does?
Jess- you won't understand *she says getting up and walking off*
Max's PoV
Sheesh I'm never gonna get through to this girl. I've told her I feel the same and she's just avoiding me. Why would she go through all the trouble she's been through to just avoid me like this? And what won't I understand? I've known her for 14 years almost 15 and she thinks that I won't understand! Me and her were more inseparable than her and Harvey I mean they were best friends but me and her were always closer... I need to speak to her after school or when we get home... I just need to speak to her hopefully she doesn't bite my head off this time
*end of the day*
*back at home*
*jess walks through the door and walks straight to her room avoiding eye contact and conversation with anyone she comes into contact with*
Harvey- Max... go see her
Max- okay if you think that I'm gonna be the one to help I'll try
*he manages to get upstairs and knocks on her door*
*knock knock*
Jess- leave me alone!
Max- Jess it's me
Jess- go away max
Max- jess are you crying? What's wrong? Let me in!
Jess- Max please
Max- jess if you don't let me in I'm forcing my way in
*she unlocks the door and lets him in*
Jess- *with tear stained cheeks* what max
Max- why are you crying? Who's hurt you? I swear broken leg or not I'll batter them
Jess- you cant batter yourself max
Max- wait... I hurt you?
Jess- yes
Max- how?
Jess- you left me after you promised me that you wouldn't, you left me max *she says breaking down* when my dad left you promised me that you would always be there and that you would never leave me on my own to deal with things and you did *she cries* then when he died you wouldn't speak to me and I know that it was because of my mum but max I tried and you wouldn't. I missed you all day everyday and I still do max. You're the guy that I've loved since I was old enough to know what love is. And I'm scared to open myself up to you in case you leave again. I want max back. I want my max back. *she says burring her head into her knees* I've been so lost without you and Harvey everything is crashing apart and you guys are the only things that make sense to me at the moment. There I told you...
Max- and you said that I wouldn't understand... Jess of course I understand... I was so lost and that's why I created the bad boy image so that I couldn't get hurt because I was hurting so bad and it never stopped and seeing you turn up at the wreck that day and seeing you stick up for Harvey when my friends were bullying him brought everything back and I was so scared the day I lost you is the day that I lost myself. My heart broke because like you I have loved you since I was old enough to know what love was and now you know how I'm feeling on the whole situation...

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now