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Nurse- are you the family of Jessica?
Danny- yes we are. Is she okay?
Nurse- she's stable she's sleeping at the moment and she's had a few stitches and won't be able to move much when she comes home but other than that she will make a full recovery *she smiles*
Max- and the baby?
Nurse- *looks down at her clipboard* is completely fine the knife didn't go anywhere near *she smiles*
Max- *has tears of joy rolling down his face* thank god
Harvey- when can we see her?
Nurse- in just a moment. The doctor is still in there so when he comes out then you can go in *she gives them one last warm smile and then walks away*
*20 minuets later and the doctor comes out*
Doctor- ahh you must be here for Jessica. You will be happy to know that her and the baby are both fine. We need to do an ultrasound in a moment and we can tell you what the gender is and the birth date of your baby if you would like *he says looking at Harvey*
Harvey- huh? What? Oh no I'm sorry I'm not the dad *he awkwardly chuckles* I'm the uncle on the dads side
Max- I'm the dad *Max raises his hand*
Doctor- oh very sorry. Jessica did mention that you had an identical twin *he laughs* I will be back in a moment with the machine. You can go in and see her now. *he smiles and leaves*
Danny- Jesus all these people in this hospital are so smily its fucking weird
*they walk into Jess's room*
Jess- hey guys *she smiles* the doctor said that we can find out the gender of the baby today and the due date
Max- *rushes to her side* hey babe and yeah we know the doctor told us outside
Harvey- he also thought I was the dad *he raises his hand*
Jess- I did say you were identical twins *she laughs*
Danny- he went bright red you should have seen him and Harvey looked so confused and when he finally clicked it was the funniest thing ever *he laughs*
*the doctor walks back in*
Doctor- are you ready?
Jess- yes
Doctor- okay this is going to be cold but not for long okay? *he says while squirting the jelly on jess's baby bump*
Jess- you're right it is cold
Doctor- *after a few minuets* okay so you have a very healthy baby girl *his face drops* oh
Max- what's wrong *he says panicking*
Doctor- it looks like you have a very healthy baby girl and a very healthy baby boy on the way. And they're identical. Congratulations you're having identical twins that will be born on February 14th *he smiles*
Jess- Valentine's Day babies! *she squeals*
Harvey- identical twins! *he face palms* not again
Doctor- why? Did you have them?
Harvey- I'm 17. However I do have a child but he is an only child. Unless his mother was also keeping that away from me too *he adds* but me and max are identical twins that's why I said not again
Doctor- ohhh looks like it runs in the family then. You never know young man if you have anymore kids they could be identical twins *he laughs*
Harvey- don't count on it doc *he laughs along*
Danny- as if I'm going to be an uncle to identical twinssss
Doctor- you may go home tomorrow jess but you need to rest up so you don't rip your stitching but I will leave now for you guys to have this happy family moment together
Jess- okay thank you *she smiles as the doctor leaves*
Max- we need to think of names
Jess- well it's a girl and a boy so you pick the boys name and I'll pick the girls and then at the baby shower we will reveal the names to everyone and each other and instead of doing the gender reveal for us we should do the gender reveal for them but you two *she says turning to Harvey and Danny* need to keep this a secret
Danny- my lips are sealed I'm going back to America tomorrow anyway
Jess- oh okay
Harvey- I don't have anyone to tell. Wait can I tell Grayson?
Jess- nope not even Grayson he's a chatterbox like his dad *she jokes*
*the 4 laugh the night away until they get tired and they fall asleep in the chairs around the room and jess in the bed*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now