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*2 months later*
Jess's PoV
I don't know what's wrong with me... I've started being sick every morning, going dizzy and wanting to eat weird foods I think it's just my period but it's weird because it's late like very late I'm starting to fear the worst I think I need to talk to Kimber about it... I cannot be 17 and pregnant I've only just gotten into college... what am I supposed to tell Max... what am I supposed to tell my brother? And Harvey? Fuck sake Jess get your life together!
*buzz buzz*
Text messages between Kimber and Jess
Kimber- hey! Wanna go into town and get some food?
Jess- uh yeah sure let me get ready and I need to talk to you...
Kimber- what is it Jess? I'm worried now
Jess- it's an in person thing this cannot be said over text
Kimber- okay get ready and meet me in 20 by the bus shelter
Jess- okay see you soon!
Kimber- bye!
*end of texts*
*20 minuets later*
Kimber- hey! I thought you weren't gonna show up
Jess- sorry! Grayson started crying and Harvey needed my help because Max isn't well so he's bed ridden because he keeps throwing up
Kimber- sounds like a hospital ward in your house
Jess- I'm honestly surprised that Sara and Paul haven't kicked us out yet because surely all this commotion is not good for them or Leo and Tilly *she sighs*
Kimber- you know full well that they will not do that! They love you guys besides you kind of can't go anywhere until Danny comes back
Jess- yeah he literally turned up for my 17th birthday and then he left again the day after well he's got a good job over in America he sends me money and Sara and Paul so it's okay
Kimber- that's the mind set you need to be in... anyway what did you want to talk to me about?
Jess- I need to get a pregnancy test
Kimber- what?!
Jess- yeah I've missed my period for like 2 months now and I keep getting morning sickness and getting really dizzy and lightheaded and I have weird food cravings *she rambles*
Kimber- have you told Max?
Jess- no I haven't I don't know how to tell anyone!
Kimber- okay we will get the test take it and then go and get some food and then figure out what to tell Max because it's obvious you are but you need the test for proof
Jess- okay that sounds like a good idea
*25 minuets later and they are in town*
Kimber- I'll go into boots and get you the pregnancy test because I know what your anxiety is like
Jess- thank you *she says while handing her the money*
Kimber- I won't be long *she smiles while walking into the shop and leaving Jess outside*
*10 minuets later*
Jess- did you get it?
Kimber- yes I got some weird looks but I bought you a clear blue one it tells you how far along you are
Jess- Jesus... okay let's do this then
Kimber- shall we go to the toilets in Nando's? Because that's were we're eating
Jess- yes
*the get into the toilet*
*jess takes the test and it is now 2 minutes later*
Jess- oh...my...fucking...god
Kimber- what?
Jess- it's....positive *she says while opening the cubicle door and walking out to see Kimber*
Kimber- what are you going to do?
Jess- if I knew that I wouldn't be freaking out right now
Kimber- lets go get some food and talk about it because you're so pale you look like a ghost
Jess- yeah I think that sounds like a good idea because I haven't eaten today and I feel so sick
Kimber- lets go then
*they order their food and sit down and talk about their options Jess decides that she wants to keep the baby and Kimber agreed that she would help her tell Max and Harvey when they got back Jess kept the test so that the boys knew that she wasn't pranking them*
Kimber- *when they get off of the bus and to the door* ready?
Jess- *sighs* no but I'll have to be *she says while opening the front door* boys! Where are you?
Harvey- upstairs!
Jess- can you both come down please I need to talk to you!
Max- uh sure! Is Kimber with you?
Kimber- hi!
Max- hey!
*the boys come downstairs and they sit in the kitchen at the table*
Harvey- what's wrong?
Max- yeah I told Grayson that I would sing to him soon*
Kimber- Max he's 5 months old he doesn't know what a promise is *she giggles*
Harvey- my boy is smart like me what do you meannnn?
Kimber- of course he is Harv *she playfully rolls her eyes*
Max- but seriously what do you need to tell us?
*as soon as those words leave his mouth both girls look at each other in dead silence*
Harvey- girls you're scaring us... what's wrong?
Jess- I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna come right out with it... Max...Harvey I'm...pregnant
*the boys are in utter shock and don't say anything for a while then Jess places her shaky hands on the table and Max finally puts his hands on top of hers and says*
Max- how far along?
Jess- 2 months
Max- you have been feeling pretty shit for a while haven't you?
Jess- yes so I decided to get a test today and see and yeah *she says while pulling the test out of her bag and giving it Max*
Harvey- woah! I'm gonna be an uncle!
Jess- *giggles* yes Harvey you are... if Max wants to keep it
Max- *takes a moment of silence* of course I want to keep it
Jess- then it's settled then we have a new addition coming to our very big family *she smiles*
Kimber- can I tell Jack, Elliot and Tommy?
Jess- *looks at Max and Harvey as they nod* of course you can! *she smiles while jumping on to the girl who has been close with her since Ayla left*
*everyone flinches as she did that because she now needs to be careful of what she's doing so that she doesn't hurt herself or the baby*
Kimber- careful you can't be jumping around like that now the baby! *she says half playfully half seriously*
Max- *carefully picks her up* yeah baby *he says while placing her on the floor with her back facing the front of him so he could hug her from behind while touching her belly* you're not the only baby in my life other than Grayson now *he laughs*
Harvey- *takes his phone out and snaps a photo of them in that position* ha! You said I would never get a photo of you two doing anything cute! Well surprise motherfuckers *he says while turning his phone around and showing the three others in the room* 
Kimber- and before anything gets said I'm going to go I have a baby shower to plan and I have to tell the others! *she says while smiling carefully hugging Jess and hugging the boys and then leaving the house*
Harvey- In all fairness I think she's more excited than any of us *he laughs*
Max- she could never be more excited than me *he smiles*
Jess- I'm still getting used to having another human being inside me for 9 months *she slightly giggles while looking down at her stomach*
Max- wait how am I supposed to tell my mum and dad and Tilly and Leo and how are you supposed to tell your brother?
Jess- we will tell them when they get home and let me deal with my brother because you might not want to talk to him for a while because he's gonna be angry but then he will come around to the idea of me being pregnant so maybe just ignore his phone calls and any angry texts that either of you may get from him
Harvey- you don't need to tell me twice I mean I'm scared and I'm not even the one who got you pregnant *he sighs*
Max- I should hope you weren't the one who got her pregnant *he laughs* not only would you have slept with my girlfriend but you will also have 2 kids on your hands *he jokes*
Jess- Max I can assure you that I haven't slept with Harvey and that this baby is 100% yours *she laughs*
Max- I never had any doubts *he smiles*
Harvey- okayyyy now can we go watch a movie until our parents get home and then maybe possibly kill you guys *he scratches the back of his neck*
*they put a movie on and relax for the unknown that is about to come*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now