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Max's PoV
I walked back into my room and Jess was gone. I texted her and she said that she was in her room but ever since then she's not messaged me back and she's been declining my calls... she's locked me out of her room that's an understatement she's locked everyone out of her room. Danny's texting me asking me why Jess isn't answering her phone and I don't even know the answer. My mum is worried sick because she not answering. I can hear her sobs from my room as her room is right next door to mine. Harvey is okay he's calmed down a lot and he's out Ayla's necklace on. Jess is not taking this well I know she's just putting on a brave face I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid I love her too much I can't loose her...
Harvey- hey Max!
Max- come in Harv
Harvey- you might wanna check on Jess like NOW
Max- why what's wrong?
Harvey- mums just told me how bad jess's mental health really is and let me just tell you those few months that she was off school after her dad died she was in hospital because she tried killing herself and it started out something like this so someone needs to get through to her and quick because I have a bad feeling about this Max and you always know what's happens when I get bad feelings they're usually correct
Max- how am I supposed to get to her when she's locked herself in her room?
Harvey- Max if she doesn't shout to you then you need to kick her door down. The doors can be replaced she can't
*they both walk to Jess's room*
Max- hey jess listen to me I just want to know that you're okay please answer
*10 seconds waiting*
Jess- yeah I'm fine Max I just want to be left alone please stop trying to get me to talk to you I will in my own time
Max- okay but please don't do anything stupid
Jess- mhmm I'm going back to sleep for a bit
Max- okay
*they both walk away*
Max- she can't be going back to sleep she's only just woke up
Harvey- I know but crying can tier you out I know I'm still tired
Max- I'm really worried about her this isn't like her
Harvey- Danny texted me and said that if anything happens I need to tell him straight away and he will be on the next flight home
Max- well hopefully it doesn't come to that I know that she will talk to someone if she's not okay
Harvey- Max that person is usually Ayla and she doesn't have that anymore her mum doesn't want her having contact with anyone from England she told Jess this morning and she's had to block her number so that they can't contact each other
Max- how do you know all this?
Harvey- Ayla called me to say goodbye properly and she told me what was happening that's why Jess is in there because she feels like she can't talk to anyone because the only person she ever spoke to about that shit was Ayla
Max- who said this?
Harvey- her parents
Max- and her parents know about how special Ayla is to Jess and how much she helps her?
Harvey- yes and that's why they have done it because they don't want Jess holding her back
Max- from what Harvey she's 16 she'll still be in school when we've all left and got jobs Jess wouldn't hold her back from anything in fact Ayla's parents are holding her back because she will be too upset to actually socialise when she gets there! *he says getting more and more annoyed*
Harvey- Max you need to calm down
Max- how am I supposed to do that when I don't know what's going on in Jess's head? When I don't know if I'm gonna walk in that room and find her dead on the floor? How am I supposed to calm down Harvey? *he says starting to cry for the first time in a long time*
Harvey- *pulls him into a hug* we will all get through this together like old times I promise our bond with all 3 of us is strong we will figure something out and we will get through this and I know that for a fact *he reassures*

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