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*the walk home*
Jess's PoV
Well now I haven't only got a busted up lip from guy but I've also got a red mark on my face from Kimber and a huge bruise and lump on my head from the ball I look like such a mess. I shouldn't have snapped at Max like that it wasn't his fault. Non of this is his fault or Harvey's for that matter. It's my mums. I don't think she will do what she said she would do all those years ago. But I don't want to take the risk. Yes max and Harvey mean the world to me but my brother does too and so far he's the only thing that hasn't left me. I was walking listening to my own thoughts when the sound of someone shouting my name invaded them
Kimber- hey jess
Jess- what do you want Kimber? To give me another slap?
Kimber- not quite *she laughs*
Jess- then what?
Kimber- you better get to the wreck now because you little boyfriend needs you
Jess's PoV (still)
Oh boy I wish I'd have just ignored her, those boys I can't fucking stay away from them, it's like they're the magnets and I'm the metal. I start walking in the other direction but something in me is telling me that I need to get to the wreck now I start to run faster than I ever thought I could I run through the huge gates and down the massive long path I hear shouting and chanting? I run faster until I see a huge group of boys and girls standing around 2 boys. It couldn't be... could it? Yes it was, it was Max and Harvey without a second thought I ran straight into the middle of the group and joined the two boys that I love so dearly
Jess- okay! What the fuck is going on here?! *she yells over the top of the chanting and shouting*
Random girl- who the fuck is she?
Random guy- what's she actually gonna do though *he laughs*
Harvey- Jess??!?! What the fuck are you doing here?
*jess stands in the middle of the two boys staring at her*
Jess- we die together. Remember?
Max- Jess I'm-
Jess- not now max later when we get out of this then you can tell me *she says smiling at him*
*everyone starts lunging at the three in the middle trying to fight them, at one point Jess was on a roll hitting girls and guys getting them away from the three while the boys were doing the same suddenly it was like more people just jumped in for the fun of it they managed to get the better of the three and soon enough everything went black. The last thing that any of them heard was shouting of grown men and machines beeping*
*a few hours later before any of them wake up*
Doctor- how did they find them
Nurse- holding hands it's like they knew that they weren't gonna beat them and the gave up and held hands
Doctor- you're telling me that these kids thought that they were gonna die?
Nurse- yeah I guess it's one of those friendships were they die together
Doctor- how's the girl doing?
Nurse- not great she's slowly responding to treatment but they have done some serious damage she'll be lucky if she can function the same again. How are the boys doing?
Doctor- just about the same, although one of them does seem to be responding faster than the other and that's the one called Harvey I think his name is well his name began with a H anyway
*beep beep beep*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now