Task #8 - Responses (Females)

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.: Tiamera Ellen - District One :.

Good morning, tributes. I hope you're not too scared of creepy crawlies," promulgates Jasmine.

As tired as we were, Jasper and I shot each other confused looks. Our eyes then descend to ground, where all types of bugs started to surround us. I shivered as spiders, scorpions, ticks,  and other crazy bugs crawled around us. The sight made me sick to the stomach. 

"Don't move." Jasper mouths.

I gulp, I wasn't a spider person. One of the larger spiders inched its way up my leg, making shiver with each of its movements. Sweat was beading down my forehead. 

"Stay calm, Tiamera." Jasper advices. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I swat the spider off my leg, the crawlies went from calm to frantic. I felt my skin being bitten and stung numerous times over and over. My vision was slightly blurry and i was lightheaded. I see a blurry silhoute of Jasper take my arm. He pulled me along with him. I had noticed my sword was iin my hand till now. The faster we ran, the faster the bugs followed. I slashed and sliced with my sword, seeming to agitate the predourous bugs more. More stings, more bites, less blood, less strength. 

"Jasper, where do we go?" I ask out of breath. 

Seeming more out of it than me he points to our right. I squint and see the faded ocean. Bugs don't seem to like the water. Making it my internal mission to get away from these treacherous, predourous things, I pull Jasper along and run as fast as I can. After what seemed like eternity,  we made it to the artificially colored sand. The creepy crawlies were close behind. Jasper and I took a few seconds to catch our breath. 

"Are you okay?" I ask Jasper as I inhale and exhale deeply. 

Just about when he was going to nod he collapsed. I had a small panic attack in my mind. The bugs weren't far behind and to top it all off the capitol tribute, Benoit just stumbled onto the sand. He hasn't seen me yet, so I quickly try and drag Jasper's fainted body closer to the water. Not succeeding quietly,  Benoit turned in my direction. Benoit looked more than a little insane. He ran towards me full power and knocked me over. I'm pretty sure I coughed up blood. Benoit was biting my thigh. I couldnt believe my eyes. I started kicking him rapidly. I finally got him off and got up. He went for me again and at the last minute I drew out my sword, stabbing him. He fell. I hear a noise. I look and see Gemini trying to move Jasper to the water. She wanted a quick kill. Not on my watch. I dug in my pockets for a dagger to find that they ripped. I cursed and just threw my sword. Closing my eyes, afraid of the outcome I hear a blood curdling scream. One of those who were killed. I run by Jasper, Reed was probably right behind Gemini. Since Jasper was close to the water I splashed some on his face to revive him. 

"Jasper can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. I'm just light headed." He answers. 

"Its the bug bites." 

Speaking of bugs,  the start to get close to the sand. I cursed the day i was born, grabbed my sword and waded into the water. Jasper did the same. Reed was sneaky, but not sneaky enough.  I felt his presence behind me in the water. He went to grab my neck but ducked under the water. I came afloat and Jasper and Reed were hand to hand fighting. Glad I grabbed my sword I let Jasper punch one last time and stabbed Reed from behind. Jasper smiled and I relaxed a bit. 


.: Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Edison - District Three :.

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