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~ Thanks for hosting a great Author Games, Jack!

Welcome, Welcome. Welcome all.

Come see if you have what it takes to become the VICTOR of these Wattpad Writer Games.

Anyone can enter these Writer Games, even if you are competing as a Tribute, are a Victor, Sponsor, or a Gamemaker in another Games.

BUT: Sponsors/Gameakers CANNOT enter these games. This is to ensure there is NOTHING Bias going on in these games.

It's the 100th Hunger Games and as a reminder that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, 

Every District has an allocated power. Your power depends on your district. There are specific rules and regulations to do with these powers, as well as advantages and disadvantges. Some examples of how each power can be used is also included. Each District is as follows:

District 1: Light

Rules/Regulations: Can only be used when there's a source of light: the sun, moon and stars.

Advantages/Uses:Blinding others, able to see things when dark, distractions, helpful when needing help, tricks, shows allies position.

Disadvantage(s): Seen by tributes and wildlife when dark, position given away.

Difficulties at the start when using power: Lighting up at random times, blinding self momentarily.

Power(s) able to stop this power: Darkness

District 2: Metal

Rules/Regulations: Must only be used when near metal, such as minerals, rocks (ores) and weapons.

Advantages/Uses:Moving weapons made of metal, stopping weapons from touching you, shifting rocks to use them as weapons.

Disadvantage(s):Not every rock has metal in it, therefore they don't move.

Difficulties at the start when using power: Crushing or killing objects, wildlife and people.

Power(s) able to stop this power: Water, fire

District 3: Lightning

Rules/Regulations: Can only be used when lightning is present - tribute has to harness the power by acting as a conductor. Can't be used for zapping the force field around arena - it's protected from it.

Advantages/Uses: Zapping/killing things like wildlife and tributes, charging up an electrical item, extremely lethal.

Disadvantage(s): It can only be used when lightning is present; if one is not strong enough to conduct lightning, it is likely that they will be killed; can burn skin of the conductor if not careful.

Difficulties at the start when using power: Instant death, burning of whole area around tribute, everything in the area becomes electrically charged and any living thing that touches parts of the area will get a shock.

Power(s) able to stop this power: Wind

District 4: Water

Rules/Regulations: Must only be used near a water source. Water must be in liquid form, not as a gas or solid (ice, snow, hail) and can only be changed into ice. Rain, dew, etc. is counted as water.

The 1st Writer Games: PowersWhere stories live. Discover now