Task #8 - Responses (Males)

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.: Jasper Vaz-Merille - District One :.


.: Orion Hunt - District Nine :.

"Stop it. Stop, stop, stop!" I shake my head, leaning back against a tree. I can feel the tears threaten to spill over, and I close my eyes. "Don't leave me here..." I whisper, my voice lost in the air before I can even hear it. My axe is cast to the side, and every time I see it I want to hurt something.

It's all my fault. All of it.

"-of creepy crawlies." My head snaps up as Jasmine finishes her speech. I must've missed most of it. After a moment of disgust, I pick up my axe, ready to defend myself against almost anything.


A horde of bugs comes from all directions, and I stare in shock as the insects make it to my feet. 

Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't- 

I scream as one of the bugs climbs onto my boot, running as fast as I can. The bugs have no trouble keeping up, and seem to be getting bigger, and swarming me, forming a cloud of bugs. I close my eyes tightly and resist the urge to scream, swatting at them all even though I can't see them. They're all over me, and I feel like I may pass out. I can't open my eyes because of the bites from these bugs. 

I suddenly crash into something- or someone -and blindly swing with my axe. Someone screams shrilly, and I nearly drop my axe. No, no, no, no, stop! I swing the axe again in hopes that the noise will stop, stop, STOP!

A cannon sounds, then again, again, again, matching the times I drive my pole axe into something I can't see. I can't open my eyes still, but I can sense the bugs everywhere. Someone's screaming still, but it's far off, and strangely faded. I stumble forward blindly, trying to go anywhere, anywhere to get away.

My foot suddenly splashes into something, and all bugs on that foot are instantaneously gone. The water, the beach! One hand still gripping the sword, I plunge into the water, immersing myself. The bugs are gone, and I kick myself to the top, pulling in a breath of air and then- mouth with more water. Someone's hands are on my shoulders, pushing me down. I start to kick, lungs already screaming for air. I force my eyes open, the salt and the wounds from the bugs stinging my eyes so much in takes a minute to adjust. Gemini is holding me under the water, and no matter how much I kick, I can't go up.

So I grasp her arms and pull her under as well. She reacts instantly, trying to pull away. I try hard to keep a grip on both my axe and Gemini's wrist, but even so it nearly chops me in half. For a moment we struggle, then we drift to the surface, allowing both of us to get another breath before we drag each other under.

I let go of Gemini with one hand, allowing her to hit me as well as kick me, but I have an axe. Everything seems to go so much slower underwater, so when the axe collides with her head that seems even slower. She kicks one last time, then falls still, staring at me accusingly even in death. I let go of her and scream, the water already changing to red. I don't care I'm underwater, or that I need air. The metallic taste of blood- my own, Gemini's, others who died- fills my mouth. Let me die, let me die, PLEASE!


Something inside me surfaces, protesting.

I can't let them die in vain. I can't. I have to win, to go home and live for them. I have to live with the guilt.

There is no easy way out.

I won't allow myself the easy way out.

The motivation makes me propel myself to the surface, breaking the water and breathing in deeply. The water is red, completely red, and so am I. With I cry of shock I stumble onto the beach, still looking at my own hands. The familiar intonation starts again in my mind, the one word I know is driving me even deeper.  

The 1st Writer Games: Powersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें