Task #4 - Chaos

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Boiling, tired and supplies shredded, you lie exhausted on the ground, when you see the Capitol seal appear in the sky and the serious, but sincere voice of Head Gamemaker Kelsey boom in the ‘artificial’ sky.

“Having fun, are we? Well, we’ve got another little surprise for you. I hope you’re not too tired, tributes, as you’re really going to need your energy for this one. Good luck, and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour, tributes.” Her voice silently disappeared, leaving you to contemplate what was coming next.

You distantly hear the screams of other tributes and a thick, heavy gas clouding the air, before everything disappears into darkness.

Okay, so here’s what going to happen:

(10 minutes later) You awaken to find fog, covering everywhere. As you continue to peer hopelessly through the foggy skies, it slowly clears, uncovering to you the horrific sight looming in front of you:

In the Beach area, here is what happens:

You see a giant tidal wave about 7 metres high, made out of purple water, looming above you. The rest of the beach is flooded with purple waves that now up to your waist level, and quickly rising, while the colourful sand remains intact, but when you make contact with it, it burns your feet, so you quickly raise them.

If you are in the beach area, you need to figure out how to escape the quickly-rising flood and incoming tidal wave, while attempting to retrieve and protect what remains of your supplies after the previous day’s events.

In the Mountain area, here is what happens:

You find that the all the lava from yesterday’s events has melted again, and is now flowing freely down the mountain, straight towards where you are lying. The once-cold air boils over, and slowly suffocates you, as all the oxygen has now disappeared. Your lungs are burning, and your vision and hearing slowly and gradually fade as the lack of oxygen starts to take a toll on your body, as you attempt to escape. Any supplies that remain that are made out of plastic quickly melt.

If you are in the Mountain area, you need to figure out how to escape the flowing lava, while preventing yourself from suffocating, and also attempting to retrieve and protect what remains of your camp and supplies.

In the Forest area, here is what happens:

You find that the floor has frozen over, and the fluorescent orange bark has turned into tiny wooden ‘stakes’ in the ground, which slice open your feet if you step on them. The trees have slick ice over their trunks, making it impossible to climb them. The vile black leaves have been crushed by the ice, turning it into a poisonous black powder that emerges if you try to break, climb, harm or change the icy state of the forest. All the wildlife and plants have died, been covered in ice, or have disappeared, eliminating any chances of hunting, and so that the only source of food you have is whatever is left in your supplies.

If you are in the Forest area, you need to figure out how to escape the sharp bark stakes, while not harming ANY of the forest. Remember, if you even just ATTEMPT to change the icy state, file down the stakes, or anything similar, poisonous powder will be emitted, and your tribute WILL DIE. That excludes the stakes if you like fall over one and break it, or crush it when you stand on it, effectively slicing open your foot, etc.

In the Cornucopia area, here is what happens:

You find yourself thrown out of the Cornucopia, a high, slick, strong metal wall surrounding it, which seems to go on forever; you can’t see where it ends. It is impossible to climb, leaving you vulnerable to any wandering tributes nearby. You wander around the metal wall, seeing that all of the areas are UNINHABITABLE, except for the mud crater, which is seemingly untouched. This fact forces you to gather any supplies you may have and make a makeshift camp in the crater area.


~All the areas, except for the muddy crater, have become uninhabitable, meaning that you CANNOT stay there.

~You are ALL being forced to the muddy crater, NO EXCEPTIONS, and YES, YOU HAVE TO GO THERE ;D

~What you basically have to write is just how your tribute escapes your current area, discovers the others (at least 1 other APART from the muddy crater), and survives all the other tributes.

~YES, all the Tributes are being forced to relocate to the muddy crater.

~The only supplies you have are the ones you have left from your past tasks (unless you ask your sponsor, and they comply - ONLY IF YOU HAVE A SPONSOR, Of course)


~ You guys might want to include your time at the Capitol when you were "killed".


~ You must kill 4 TRIBUTES BY YOUR HAND or else the kill point will not count.

~ You have 96 hours (4 days) - It's 7.55 a.m. on Tuesday, New Zealand time (GMT+12).

~ Remember to send it through Messages (PM)

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