Gamemaker #2

177 5 3

Name: Shai

What type of personality do you have?

"I'm easy going and super kind. I tend to pity some of the tributes. I easily forgive people and can never stay mad at anyone."

What type of tributes do you go for?

"Generally the ones I think have great potential and writing skill. I also like the unique tributes."

Anything you're looking for in a Victor?

"I'm looking for someone who isn't up themselves and deserves to have that spot, not just because they're getting heaps of people to vote for them just so they survive."

What type of environment(s) do you favour?

"Well, I like forests and mountains, also like anything Greek."

Any tips for the Tributes?

"Just be careful at how you approach killing someone, they could plan evil revenge, and also I'd suggest to all the big alliances, don't talk on the walls of an account, people can easily spy on you."

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