Capitol - Female *DEAD*

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Name: Tritoela (Trit for short) Lindee

Age: 14

Gender: female

District: Capitol

Appearance: Tall for her age, pale skin, dyed purple hair with blue streaks, wears contacts to make her eyes look violet, but her natural eye colour is dark brown. her features are sharp, and she's slender. She doesn't wear ridiculous outfits as much, but the amount of colour on what she wears makes up for it.

Personality: She's happy, positive, and a but clueless at times, likes to state the obvious, which usually earns her a sarcastic remark from others. She's a bit scared to kill, but when it comes right down to it she'll fight for survival. She places friends higher than herself, and trusts easily.

District Token: A silver necklace with a star-shaped pendant.

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