Task #7 - Responses (Females)

105 1 5

.: Tiamera Ellen - District One :.

“Great, just great!” I say rather loudly examining the name scripted in the sword handle.

I see Jasper laugh a little. “Let’s try getting it off again.” I complain.

Jasper goes to our supplies and takes out a small knife. Hesitantly, I held out my right hand that is fused with the sword handle.  Jasper tried cutting by the handle, but the knife’s blade just bent.

“No use.” He shrugs.

I let out an annoyed moan. Now I have to figure out where Brianna is and how I’m going to make her help me by stabbing the sword’s hilt.

“Are you going to go and find her?” Jasper asked seeming amused with my distress.

“It’s my only choice. Now are you coming or do you want to meet back here?” I asked annoyance ringing through my voice.

“Let’s meet back here. I’m going to hunt and such.”

I nod and grab some knives, while Jasper grabs a bow and some arrows.

“Hey,” Jasper yells as I was about to walk away.

I turn. “Don’t die!” Jasper yells playfully.

I let out a small chuckle. “Dying isn’t in my agenda.”

I walked away, disappearing out of sight. I wondered where Brianna would be; my best chance was to just walk. Walking down the mountain towards the words I see Grant and Benoit fighting. I couldn't climb a tree without making noise so my only choice was through them. Since they are both occupied with one another I perched a few feet away and threw a knife at Benoit with my left hand since my right was pretty much immobile. My aim was off slightly and the knife got Grant straight in the eye. My stomach turned a bit. Benoit wasn't sure where that the shot came from, I moved from my original spot and threw another knife. To my surprise Benoit caught the knife. 

 I cursed under my breath. Then I tripped because of my little sword problem. I stumbled out of hiding in clear view of Benoit. Panic rushed through my body, I truly didn't want to die again. I slowly got up as Benoit watched my every single move. 

"How's the games?" I ask with a meek smile.

Benoit seemed unamused with my small talk. I tried to quickly grab my knife from in front of him but Benoit grabbed my left hand and twisted it behind my back. I showed no emotion,  even though it hurt like crazy. Benoit had another knife in his hand and he set it to my throat. With the knife he pressed harder, harder.. Blood starting flowing. My heart felt like it had stopped. Right when Benoit was going to finish the job I took my sword- fused hand and stabbed him. Benoit had let go of my left arm and I twisted the sword deeper; Benoit's body slowly fell to the floor. I found it ironic how the Capitol brought me back to the games and I'm killing their kind. I took the knives from Benoit's pocket and moved on. I needed to get this sword off my hand! It almost costed me my life. I kept strolling along till I came to the beach area, where I saw Brianna. Bingo! I walked onto the sand but my footsteps made a lot of noise. Brianna turned around quickly and eyed me. 

"Okay, so I kind of need your help. I need you to stab my hand so this stupid sword will come off." I say rather awkwardly.

Brianna looks at me with a 'what is wrong with you' look. I didn't know what else to say, but before I could say anything else Brianna charged at me with a sword. I slid and tripped her making her fly over me, face first into the sand. I was still laying in the sand letting my heart rate slow down when Brianna got up and was going for me again. I panicked and I just thought about the sun. 

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