District 5 - Female *DEAD*

223 2 6

Name : Arianna Jent

Age : 17

Gender : Girl, Woman, Chick, Whatever ☺

District: 5

Appearance : Green Eyes, Medium height. Hair an inch Lnger than shoulders, of a creamy chocolate colour with flecks of red and blond., her hairstyle big, with a side fringe. Dark, thin eyebrows, and large eyes.

Personality : Seems bubbly, friendly, and easy to approach, but is alot more secretive then any one would guess. Appears trusting, and innocent, but she knows alot more of what is going on then she lets on. She is a real thinker, andi s very good at solving riddles and puzzles, and very book smart, especially about plants and harnessing power. (her district specializes in power.) She is always getting into arguments about everything, and is very confidente in her beliefs. She is stubborn when approached, and can make anyone change their mind about anything, which can come in handy. She has very good control of the wind, as she is like the wind herself. Wild, free, and can sweep anyone away in her ideas.

She loves wildlife and always needs alone time. 

District Token: Arianna’s district token is a necklace, silver chain with a silver circle hanging freely. On this is engraved a bolt of Lightning

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