Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

 Chapter 29:

Melissa's POV:

Daniel's room was... expected, unexpected? I am still not certain.

The walls had been coloured a darker shade of blue, and on one wall hung loads and loads of paintings and pictures, all kinds and sizes.

A playstation was set on the table adjacent to the bed, his clothes were scattered just outside his closet, but his other pair of sneakers had been kept next to his bed. On one of the other walls hung a Manchester United jersey, number 07, Ronaldo, probably of the time when Ronaldo still played for Man U.

Yes, I know some stuff!

His room had a very small window which over looked the back lawn which had only a couple of chairs and a small coffee table.

I wasn't sure if I were surprised on seeing his room. I think I was, but then I wasnt. 

It was guy's room, it was supposed to have posters of rock bands, it was supposed to be dimly lit and all messed up. But then, it was Daniel, the guy was different, different than the other guys, more organized, toned down and calm.

The paintings were so colourful, so vibrant and so diverse. One of the pictres showed an indoor basketball court where a man was teaching his son the game. It must have been the memory if his father teaching him that game.

"See something you like?" I jumped as I heard Daniel's voice so close to my ear.

"Y... Yes" I said, finally.

He raised his eyebrows at mme and I pointed at the basketball court picture.

"This... well this is not a memory, more of an observation. Back in California I once saw one of my dad's frends teaching his son. I only changed the court to indoor. My dad didn;t really teach me basketball. He tried once, only because then he thought that since he was my father he was obliged to teach me basketball, but I sucked at it, he sucked at it so we let it go. Dad's more of a football guy." He said and shrugged.

"And you? You are a football guy too?" I asked, oout of curiousity.

"I am more of a surfer, thanks to the beaches in California" Daniel said and smiled.

Surfer... I liked the sound of it. I tried picturing Daniel on the surfboard, in his swimming trunks, his bare chest, wet hair...

Snap out of it Mel, I scolded myself.

In an attempt to distract myself I began seeing the other painings. There was a portait of Mrs. Ernstwell, her glasses were almost on her nose, her hair were tied in a bun with a few strands escaping down the sides of her face and she had a pen in her hand. I thought the potrait was perfect, it looked so realistic, she looked breadthtakingly beautiful.

"Daniel this is amazing! I mean, your mom must love it!" I said, beaming.

"Uh actually, I havent showed her yet." He said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"What? Why?"

Daniel was absolutely crazy for not showing it to his mother. If I had been the one possessing such a talent I would have been on the street shouting out to the people about it. 

"I dont know, maybe because I'm not sure if I'd actually like to know her reaction..." He said.

"Her reaction on what? The portait?" I asked.

"No, more on the whole idea of me painting and stuff. As much as I'd like to deny it, it kinda is gay." he said, suppressing a smile.

"Daniel shutup!" I scolded, hitting on his shoulder playfully.

"It's only a stereotype. Painting does not make you gay!" I stated, as a mtter of factly.

"It doesnt?" He asked, smirking. I could tell he was enjoying this discussion.

"No it does not. Indact, I think it only makes you sexier." I said and winked.

He took a step closer and grabbed me by the waist.

Leaning closer to my face he locked his eyes into mine, his lips only inches apart.

"Sexier?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes sexier." I whispered, my eyes fixed on his lips.

My heart was crashing in my chest, heartbeat increasing 10x with each passing second.

Crossing the remaining distance between us, his lips crashed into mine. I wrapped my hands around his torso as I responded to the kiss with equal passion. I granted him entry as his tongue swirled around my jaw and explored my mouth, My hands moved over to around his neck. 

I could sense the situation getting heated up.

A couple of moments later I took a step back, closed my eyes and took a deep breadth.

Slowly opening my eyes I looked at Daniel who looked flushed, his cheeks red.

I couldnt help but pull his cheeks as he gazed at me in surprise.

"Wha?" He said, still red in the face.

"I cannot help it, you look so cute when you blush." I said and chuckled.

"I am NOT blushing." He said, trying to defend himself.

"Sure. I just squeezed a tomato on your face." I said.

"Uh..." Daniel muttered. For the first time I had left him speechless.

Turning around I looked down to the lawn from the window.

Two hands grabbed my waist from behind and Daniel rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I dont care if I blush, given that you make me blush" He said.

"I am happy I have such an effect on you." I said and smiled.

"Only if you knew babe." he said.

Babe... oh how I loved the sound of it!

"Um... you had to show me something" I said, trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Uh.. Yeah" He said and truned to his closet to fetch something.

Mel close your eyes" He called out and I did as told.

After a moment of silence he finally asked me to open my eyes again.

Slowly I opened my eyes and gasped at what I saw.

|A/N: Please provide a feedback for the story and tell me how is it going, vote and comment,

it'll be highly appreciated! :)| 

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