Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Daniel's POV:

Something was definitely wrong, I was sure. Melissa was disturbed about sometrhing, and I dear I had just seen tears slowly forming in her eyes. 

I cracked my mind open but couldnt find an answer until... until she was disturbed by the place? Like it hurt her to come here? This was definitely a possiblity!

It reached my saturation point when I saw her reaction when she saw Ryan, Sharon's guy. I must admit I was kinda jealous when I saw the effect he had on Melissa, but why was I jealous? It wasn't like he was her boyfriend... but then she wasn't my girlfriend either... not yet anyway!

Then and there i made up my mind... I would tell Melissa how I feel tonight... during the party or after the party, I had to do it! I was too insecure to not ask her out!

Just then I was distracted when I heard Mel mention my name as she said that she and I needed some air. I figured that this was a sign to leave from there as she probably needed to talk to me about something as I waited for her to speak.

We made her way through the crowd once again, but this time got out on the front porch. I was greeted by fresh air and it certainyl did me some good!

"Oh Daniel, I so wish I wasn't here." She said, sadness in her voice."

"What's the problem babe?" I asked, trying to maintain my calm.

"Well..." She said as she bit her lip, "I know Ryan already, and I... um... didn't expect to meet him here.." She said.

So it had been about Ryan all along?

My heart was hit with a strong jealousy punch, and I didn't know how to react. I had to be understanding however.

Melissa's POV:

"You know him? How?" Dan asked.

I leaned back on the railing and clutched my hands together and started,

"Um... well, last year, during summer I was looking for a job and Ryan;s sister, well she was 21 at the time and um... she needed a babysotter to look after Ryan's younger brother Charlie because she couldn't leave Charlie and Ryan alone unless she wanted one of them dead."

I smiled at the memory of the constant bickering that would go on between Ryan and Charlie. Even though Charlie was small, he was very witty for his age and never failed to answer Ryan back. An absolutely normal conversation could turn into a fight when both of them were involved.

But I snapped back to reality.

"So i took up the job and I went there all summer since Linda, Ryan's sister had her summer training. I went there around 10 in the morning and stayed there until 6 in the evening... I think it wont be hard to figure out that Charlie got really close to me, and he was the sweetest kid ever... To top it all, Ryan was home for the summer and he started getting involved in everything Charlie and I did, like he played scrabble with us, we played hide n seek.... and sometimes he even drew with Charlie and me... Eventually Ryan and I got pretty close too, and we became inseparable. It was one of the best summers I'v ever had, and i regret not even a day of it! It was all so perfect until..."

Daniel's POV:

"It was all so perfect until..." Her eyes glimmered with fresh tears, and she just couldn't seem to stop them. I let her cry, she needed to get it all out of her system. But Ryan, what about him? Did she like him as more than a friend? If she did, does she still like him? is that the reason she got vulnerable so seeing the house, or more particualrly on seeing him? 

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