Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

Melissa's POV:

Today is the first day of athlete meet. It's the day of the 100m sprint and saying I was nervous would be an understatement, probably because alot of people I knew 

would be there. 

Mark and Rachel had arrived last night and were doing to spend the weekend here because they had to look out for church and the reception venue. The wedding would take 

place here in Iowa City. Even though Rachel was a Brooklyn girl, she had no family of her own, her friends and we were her family.

So she and mark would be coming to the race as well.

Daniel would obviously come, but what was surprising was that his dad would also come. Daniel had literally blushed when he'd told me that his dad would be coming as 


Sharon was coming to give me the best friend moral support, and I might seem the bitch here but I was glad Ryan wasnt coming. I he would have come it'd only have given 

me another thing to worry about; the much awaited Daniel Ryan fight off. Even thoug Daniel would have behaved himself, precation is still better than cure, especially 

when guy hormones are involved.

So my dad, Mark, Rachel, Daniel, Daniel's dad and Sharon were all coming to see me sprint my guts out along that 100m track. 

And you think i wouldn't be nervous!

I lazed around the kitchen for as long as I could even though I'd already had a good heavy breakfast.

The belief that you cannot eat anything before an important even is quite the myth.

Infact, I tend to do the opposite, I ate alot, too much that I had to have soda on top, so it'd settle.

Yep, thats me.


With the nervous thoughts still flooding my head I made my way to the school with Mark riding with me. Technically I was riding with him since he was driving but 

whatever. I was too nervous to care!

I reached school and met Daniel, we walked towards our tree when he held me for a really long time trying to tell me that there was no need for me to be nervous, that 

i had ran in races before and that I'd run really well.

Since therave was after school I had conditioning and warm up to do, and I knew that the nervous wreck that I was today it'd probably take up the entire day.

Daniel headed to his first class after the bell whereas I headed to the tracks where coah was already waiting for me.

"Melissa, you do realise how big a deal this is, I only want you to understand that you have no reason to be nervous. You've been getting the gold medal in sprints 

since the past 2 years and this year shall mark your hatrick. Even though it is not your senior year you still have to look out for scouts. This one race could do 

miracles for tomorrow-"

"But no pressure right?" i said sarcastically.

"Melissa you know how i get beforethe competition. Of course there is some pressure but you can, you have to float over it. Dont sink in. Just relax and do what you 

love doing, running."

"Well then thats exactly what I will be doing!" I said and grinned as I began my conditioning and warm ups.

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