Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

 Ryan was sitting on the swing with Charlie on his lap.

Ryan hated these swings. He had fallen off one of them and had broken his arm while he was 5 or 6 years old, and he hated these swings since then.

I could see the slight tension on his face and the way his hands had been clutching the chain which held the seat of the swing at both the corners.

Charlie on the other hand was almost the same as he had been when I last met him. Those innocent green eyes, golden hair... He was a bit taller though. He was laughing 

carelessly, he looked like the sweetest child ever.

He spotted me and jumped off the swing to come to me.

He ran to me at his fastest speed and jumped onto me instantly.

I hugged him tight, and I could feel my eyes getting moist. He kissed my cheek.

"Hey Charlie!" I said pinching his nose.

"Melissa! I miss you!" He said in his kiddish voice.

"You mean you missed me?" I said and laughed.

Just them Daniel crouched down and extended his hand towards Charlie.

"Hey big boy!" Daniel said and smiled.

"Hi, but I dont knwo you." Charlie said innocently.

"Well, I am Daniel, Melissa's friend." He said.

"Charlie, he is Dan, and he draws very well." I said, smiling.

"I love drawing! Will you draw with me?" He asked, looking over to Daniel.

"Sure!" Daniel said and laughed.

The three of us walked over to where Sharon and Ryan were standing and I could see an even more tensed expression on Ryan's face.

I greeted them and whispered to Sharon, "What's with Ryan?" 

"I dont know, and I dont understand!" She hissed."

I walked to Ryan, stood in front of him and demanded, "What is it?" I said.

"Nothing." Ryan said plainly.

"Tell me." I said in a stern tone.

"Well, Charlie is never this friendly with anyone. Not even my aunt, and definitely not Sharon. But he was at such an ease with Daniel, it just surprises me..." He 


"Surprises you or annoys you?" I asked, teasing.

"Okay, annoys!" Ryan admitted.

I only patted on his shoulder and we all settled down.

"Charlie, come sit with me..." I said patting to the empty ground beside me, but Charlie came to me and settled on my lap instead.

Charlie and I talked for a while after which he wanted me to chase him. I took off my wedges and started running after him. Ryan and Sharon were talking to each other 

and Daniel was busy playing temple run.

During that half an hour that I played with Charlie I didn't care about ruining my hair, my makeup or my dress. All that mattered was the fact that I met Charlie after 

an year and that we were having such a good time.

However, when our gala time ended and I realized, finally, that I was supposed to go on a date, I freaked out.

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