(Edited) Ch. 2: Erica's Scheme

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Erica headed towards Luna with a spring in her step. Just as she reached the table, she tripped over the leg of a chair at Luna's table and fell towards the tall bookshelf behind Luna.

Luna dove towards Erica and placed herself between Erica and the bookshelf while wrapping her arms around Erica's back and head. The both of them crashed heavily into the bookshelf, causing books from the top shelf to topple down onto them.

They slowly opened their tightly shut eyes, wondering why they did not feel any pain or falling books, and found Lucas towering over their hunched bodies with his hands on the bookshelf. While this scene made Erica's eyes twinkle in admiration, it made Luna's eye twitch.

How much more cliche can this get? Erica's never this clumsy. What's with his insane reflexes too? Wasn't he from the other side of the table? Did he jump over the table or something?

"Are you ladies okay?" Lucas's deep voice sounded as cold as usual but there was also sincere concern in it.

Erica nodded halfway before her eyes grew wide in surprise.

On the other hand, Luna's expression remained as flat as ever when she nodded and gave her thanks. She quickly pulled Erica by her hand to her seat, hastily packed her things into her bag, then left the library with Erica's hand still in hers.

For the entire time, Erica kept staring at Lucas with sparkles in her eyes even when he returned to his studying. As soon as they went out of the library, Erica excitedly asked Luna, "Jie! Jie! Do you know him? It looks like he knows you!"

"No, I don't. We just happen to study in the same area of the library."

"That's even better." Erica started stroking her chin with a twinkle in her eye.

Luna frowned. "Why?"

"He's promising. I like him."

"And why would you suddenly like him? Just because he saved us?" Luna asked incredulously.

"Tsk. Of course not! Think about it! Sitting at the same table by luck? Noticing you when you're normally overlooked?"

"... I'm getting confused." Luna frowned.

"Maybe he's the one for you!" Erica half squealed out.

Luna's expression fell completely flat. "He didn't even notice me before today, before you came along, so give it up. Don't even think about it. It's impossible."

"Oh, come on~" Erica shook Luna's hand childishly. "You never know~"

"Erica, please, I want you to have nothing to do with him. I don't want to have anything to do with him either."

"But, why?" Erica was finally feeling sad. There was finally someone outside of their family who noticed Luna and cared about her well-being.

"Nothing good will come out of it."

"You're as pessimistic as ever..." Erica pouted, teary-eyed.

Luna patted her head. "I'm just realistic. It's safer that way. So be a good girl, okay?"

Unfortunately, despite Luna's first attempt at preventing Erica's association with the people she pegged as the main characters in this school, Erica's fate seemed to be tied to theirs.

Several things happened without Luna's knowledge.

Erica came to know of Victor and became one of the girls who pined for him. The thing that set her apart from the common crowd was her especially strong character, above average looks, and intellect. By objective standards, she was more qualified than even Rina. This was why Erica could not understand why Victor would not pay more attention to her.

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