World 2.4: Alice

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Meanwhile, back in Alice room.

She reflected on the fight with the fire user while looking at the water ball floating above her bandaged hand. She thought about how her water wall changed to steam. Understanding our ability like it is a part of our body... I know the chemistry of water and about the movement of particles... Would it be possible to manipulate it down to the individual particles?

She visualised her water ability down to its individual water particles then imagined them moving differently. She visualised slowing down the particles' movement and making them increasingly compact. Sweat began to bead on her forehead from her intense concentration. It took a whole five minutes before BaoBao exclaimed, "I see some frost forming on the surface!"

Alice made the water disperse and panted. It's possible! I can change the state of my water!

BaoBao could not believe it too. If she could change the state of water into ice and vapour, it would become as if she has three abilities! "Are we finally an overpowered character?" BaoBao's eyes started to twinkle.

"Don't be ridiculous. Didn't you see how weak my individual ability is from my fight today? Besides, we shouldn't be hoping to become that strong. Did you forget our purpose?"

BaoBao looked down in shame. He had indeed gotten carried away.

Alice intensified her physical and martial arts training, and re-planned her ability training. She prioritized practicing to change the state of her water ability followed by the typical attack and defense training. After that, to train her endurance and precision of control, she would constantly keep a thin film of water barrier around her body that is so thin it was hardly noticeable. These were all hard work that drained her stamina and energy. Without the spiritual cultivation from the previous world to restore energy, she felt even more tired by the end of the day. This made her more listless through the day and she would knock out cold on the bed every night.

After three days was up and her burns were healed, Alice got ready to attend class again.

When she opened the door of her room to go to class, she saw Violet with her hand raised like she was about to knock on the door.

"Good morning Alice!" Violet greeted her chirpily.

Alice simply blinked in response.

"Let's go to class together." Violet said warmly.

"Our classes are at different locations."

"Mine's just a little further off. I want to use every second I can to be with you. Aren't we friends now?"

"We are?"

"Yes!" Violet said in a very optimistic tone.

I can't fight it if she insists. Not with that loyal guard dog she has. "We'll simply have lunch together then. Otherwise, please leave me alone." Alice walked off without waiting for a response. She also noted how Violet had not noticed the water barrier around her. She has been keeping it up from the moment she woke up.

Violet did not feel disheartened and simply walked silently beside Alice. She believed that Alice was simply used to fending for herself and that she has her guard permanently up against others with all that she has been through. She was determined to get Alice to trust her.

Alice, the characters in this world seem far more stubborn than the last world's.

It's probably due to the close link the original soul has with them. She was likely heavily reliant on their protection but only significantly contributed to the plot at a crucial point. Alice no longer cared nor minded how much they intended to stick to her. She has completely immersed herself into her mission by now to prevent a slip up like three days before. She also was sure to not trust nor rely on characters who would only follow their script.

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