World 3.20: BaiXue

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The impact of BaiXue's jump created a crater on the ground and she flew high up above FenFang. Whereas LongFei immediately flew to keep himself between MengYao and BaiXue while firing out the largest fire he could manage.

While high up in the sky, BaiXue saw how LongFei's flames were now more than twice the size of MengYao. Just as she started sinking down, she saw how MengYao was nowhere to be seen after LongFei's flames dispersed. A loud phoenix cry was heard and a big black ball of flames exploded outwards from within MengYao. He then zipped to and fro different locations to dodge LongFei's attacks. The entire area was soon truly blazing with LongFei's fire.

Their powers are increasing significantly! We're reaching the end! BaiXue could tell that this was the climax and end of it all. She made her body as streamlined as possible to dive down as fast as possible.

A sudden burst of speed made MengYao go so fast that it looked like he teleported and he finally appeared by BaiXue's side just as she spun in air to land on her hind legs. LongFei spat out even stronger flames to force MengYao to take a detour, then speedily positioned himself between MengYao and BaiXue once again to use his tail to generate wind strong enough to throw MengYao down into the trees. This time MengYao was driven deeper into the ground as compared to before.


The sound of a body being squashed has never sounded as pleasant to LongFei and BaiXue as it did right now.

The moment LongFei heard the sound of FenFang's death by BaiXue's stomp, he urgently and gladly rushed to her. However, just as he was about to reach her, a loud explosion was heard. Every plant and fauna flew everywhere along with the dirt from the ground and a pillar of black flames shot towards BaiXue again. LongFei was right in the line of fire and simply swished his tail once again. This time the wind generated carried his harshness and did not only reflect everything back but traveled fast enough to slice anything in it's path.

On the other hand, BaiXue did not react as fast as LongFei did. Instead of rushing to LongFei to get to safety, she blankly looked down at the pool of blood, scattered tiny mashed up bits of meat, and battered pelt under her feet. She blinked her eyes in pleasant shock. I made it?

Suddenly, a loud explosion caught her attention and she looked towards the source of it. The moment she looked to her right, she was thrown off her paws by something large piercing through her from above. This happened at the same time LongFei turned to meet the oncoming pillar of black flames. BaiXue witnessed how LongFei's strength continued to grow before closing her eyes. What luck...

LongFei happily turned back to BaiXue intending to whisk her away to safety and was already picturing the peaceful days they would spend together. However, his face fell as he was greeted with the sight of BaiXue pinned to the ground diagonally through her core by a broken tree trunk.

"No!!!" LongFei yelled. He went onto the ground to nudge her head with his snout. "Wake up! Please! Live!"

"Humph." That's what she gets for messing with FengJiao. MengYao prepared to fly away before he would be caught by LongFei. He has achieved what he came here for and did not want to engage in meaningless fights.

LongFei's pupils constricted. He turned back to see MengYao retreating.

"Die!!" LongFei roared out loud enough to reach the heavens.

MengYao's heart involuntarily jumped in fear in response to the roar. Without stopping, he looked back to check if LongFei was chasing him. Although LongFei was not, a chill was sent down his spine when he met the stormy rage reflected in LongFei's eyes.

Dark clouds suddenly started gathering and the wind picked up harshly. MengYao found that he could no longer fly steadily. The winds were too strong. This unsettled him because he has always been able to fly through any storm, including a typhoon.

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