World 2.17: Alice

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**Disclaimer: This chapter has violent/gruesome content and torture.**

BaoBao had warned Alice of the attacks from above, instantaneously did his calculations of probabilities and rates then concluded that Violet would not escaped unscathed even with Ethan's protection and her own fire ability. This was when Alice decided to accept death and throw Violet back using her water ability.

Ethan witnessed Alice's body being impaled by numerous icicles and spears with wide disbelieving eyes. Some parts of her were cut off by swords as well. Tears had already begun to flow before his brain has registered her death.

His heart wrenched as the gory sight consumed his mind. It somehow felt like a painfully familiar scene. He yelled out loud in agony, his eyes became blood shot red, and power surged from his body. It broke him free of the force that was controlling his body.

He roughly pushed Violet off of him and scrambled to Alice's mangled body. He ran through and broke any spears and weapons that were in his way. He fell to his knees by her side and shook his head in denial slowly. He reached out to her half-intact face but attacks flew towards them again.

His hand froze in place as rage filled him and rampaged within him. They dared to hurt her! My Alice!!! He clenched his outstretched hand into a fist.

Just as Stephan prepared to counter the attacks again, strong winds blasted through the entire area, so strong that he had to hold onto Violet and use his ice ability to anchor themselves to the ground.

Ethan activated his wind ability to throw everyone up high in the sky, including Rosalyn. Ethan's opponent from earlier and Rosalyn were thoroughly shocked that they could not counter his wind at all, resulting in them losing total control over their bodies. Upon this realisation, they got slammed down into ground at a high speed that broke all their bones in their body. Everyone passed out in pain.

Ethan turned his head to glare at the remaining 3 three abilities users on the ground with his bloodshot eyes. In his rage, he could easily picture the air molecules that were surrounding the opponents separating to create a vacuum bubble. All 3 people instantly exploded into a bloody mess within that vacuum.

Ethan withdrew his hand back to his side and got up to slowly make his way to Rosalyn. She was the only one he spared by controlling the force of her fall to result in numerous fractures throughout her body.

Ethan trapped her head in a water bubble to wake her up.

Rosalyn woke up to intense pain and suffocation. Just before she drowned, she was released from the bubble. However, she was not given a break. While she was still coughing out water, she felt her forehead and legs being grazed by several sharp things. It was not as painful as her fractured body but it was still pain.

She then felt something impale her right thigh in an agonizingly slow speed. She shrieked.

She wanted to know what was the cause of her pain but it was painful to even move. She could only see a pair of feet in front of her. So she weakly pleaded, "Please, help... me...".

Ethan did not bother to reply her and proceeded on to impale her shoulder in the same manner. He did not take a break and immediately moved on to using a dull ice sword to saw through her knees one at a time.

By now, Rosalyn's muddled mind cleared up and she realised what was happening to her.

After she lost her legs, snot and tears already covered her face. "Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me?!"

"You made the wrong decision." He started to manipulate a dull ice spear to slowly pierce through her right arm. It pressed against her skin with a gradual growing pressure before it broke through her skin, broke her bone, and came out from the other side. It was slow enough for Rosalyn to feel every little sensation of the spear piercing and sliding through her arm. Not only was it physically torturing, it was also mentally torturing. She shrieked the whole time and begged him to stop. She had had enough of being pierced at this agonisingly slow speed.

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