World 3.6: BaiXue

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She left when the moon hung high up in the sky and only reached back at the rock dwelling at noon.

When FenFang listened to BaiXue's report, BaiXue noticed a flash of understanding in her eyes.

She knew that there was something fishy with that village. How? Why? BaiXue wondered to herself.

"So you know where his loved ones are held at?" FenFang clarified.

BiaXue nodded.

"Go. Summon MengYao and save the family at the right time."

BaiXue immediately took off to do as instructed without bothering to take a rest.

She has been so obedient and efficient because she intended to gain FenFang's trust as quickly as possible. She wanted to hasten her trip to the mountains.

Through her explorations during each trip she made out of FenFang's dwelling for the past 6 months, she only found one other clue and it was at another coastal village with high rock formations. Similarly, it was embedded high in a rock formation.

Chosen at birth.

BaiXue could infer that this text was referring to the ones who were born able to change into mystical creatures. However, she refused to believe that this was all. It could not fit with the clue of "cultivation". If they were chosen, why would there be a need for cultivation?

She believed that she needed to go somewhere high above ground to search for more clues.

Before she reached the village, BaiXue already blew the black flute.

Her estimation was quite good. It was night again by the time she reached. She waited near the village for no more than an hour and MengYao appeared.

MengYao saw the peaceful village from above and felt slightly confused. However, knowing that BaiXue was the one who summoned him, he swooped down lower  to check on the situation. BaiXue has not made a mistake thus far and FenFang has been talking about how much she liked the new person she picked up. It made him respect her as an accomplice.

The truth became clear to him once people caught sight of him. Everyone clearly converged to a certain house to drag a man out and throw him forward. The man's eyes only regained some clarity when he saw MengYao. His eyes flashed with surprise but also anger and he instantly changed into a white unicorn with a pale yellow sparkly aura. 

Although the unicorn was a land animal, he did not lose out to MengYao that badly, especially when MengYao was holding himself back. He did not intend to hurt a fellow mystical being if he could help it. 

As MengYao expected from a person who grew up fighting, the unicorn was quite good at holding his ground against him. The unicorn was swift and strong. He jumped up high enough to reach MengYao and flew from point to point as if jumping from air itself. MengYao almost had his hands full with holding himself back and dodging, so it took awhile before he could set the village aflame with the black flames that spewed from his mouth.

Overtime, the unicorn could feel the heat from the blaze on the ground even when he was high up in the sky with MengYao. This made him go bonkers. He knew that if he was not successful in protecting the village, his family would be killed. If they were not killed, his family would starve to death. He had wondered before if he was perhaps being lied to and that his family was probably dead, however, he did not want to take any chances with his loved ones' lives. 

He grew desperate and charged at MengYao recklessly with renewed vigor. He intended for this to be a suicide attack.

"MingYue!!" A familiar lovely voice called out to him that made him stop in his tracks, his horn centimetres away from MengYao's chest.

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