World 3.4: BaiXue

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**Disclaimer: This chapter contains violence/gore.**

BaiXue changed into her rabbit form to pretend to be just another normal animal in the forest as the mob walked past the foliage she was hiding among.

"Are you really planning to let them be?" The paranoid woman asked the man who seemed to be leading the rest.

"Of course not, how can we let such a dangerous thing live and threaten our peace?"

As the mob left the area, BaiXue hopped closer to the hut to check on the family. The father was trying to comfort the crying mother in his arms while the pretty baby looked at her parents with confused teary eyes.

BaiXue hopped back to her camp.

It was not made clear in the book but it seems that this may be the norm for people who change into mystical creatures. MengYao and FenFang were not the exceptions. FengJiao and her village were the odd ones.

The world's consciousness fill in all the missing details of the book to make it a complete world. BaoBao explained without waiting to be prompted. 

This would mean that there is likely a created history of this world that the book did not cover then. Perhaps it could be useful knowledge for me...

Suddenly, BaiXue sighed softly. I'm still far too weak for my liking.

After a moment of silence, BaoBao asked BaiXue what was still bugging him. What do you think will happen to the couple?

They'll obviously suffer.

Can't we help? BaoBao felt very sorry for them.

You want me to?

Don't you want to?


Sorry, that was a dumb question.

BaiXue had caught enough food to last her for another day, so she did not bother with hunting and went straight into her martial arts practice. While practicing, she had a passing thought about how a more appropriate training ground would help her gauge her current strength.

BaoBao unexpectedly spoke up and interrupted her practice to point out that there was a seemingly secluded part of the beach a little distance away from her camp. He informed her how no one went there from the previous day till this moment.

BaiXue decided to scout the area and found that it was a quiet corner tucked away behind various big and small rock formations. There were also medium sized pillars that were far taller than her and has a width of two elephant legs that she could use as a makeshift punching bag. 

Good job BaoBao. BaiXue said in a pleased tone which made BaoBao jubilant. 

BaiXue punched and kicked the rock pillar. Through assessing the damage she dealt on the pillar, she noted how her kicks were significantly stronger than punches. She wondered if it was influenced by her animal form where her hind legs were stronger. She thus tried kicking in her rabbit form to test its strength but would only end up powerfully propelling herself off the pillar. As a result, she continued practicing in her human form for the rest of the day.

The next day, she entered the village. She played the role of a perfectly unsuspecting traveler on her way to some place else but taking in the sights along the way. She pretended to be exploring the village and naturally stayed in the same area as the couple wherever they went. 

When BaoBao informed her that a group was gathered in the forest, she loitered in the forest in her rabbit form. She found out that it was the same group of people from before. They were devising various schemes to be used against the family. While it made BaoBao fume, BaiXue remained dispassionate. Her eyes even carried a hint of boredom. 

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