BaoBao's Origin 2

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Luna waited for BaoBao to send her to the next world, however he continued talking.

"Before I send you to the next world, there is a new function that the administrators opened up for us!" BaoBao said cheerfully.

"Already? Looks like they're very generous when it comes to rewarding and encouraging good results." Luna commented.

You don't understand Luna, you're getting the short end of the stick here... Normally hosts would have all these functions available to them from the start~ BaoBao wailed to himself.

Luna raised an eyebrow upon seeing BaoBao's aggrieved look. What's he thinking about this time? 

When BaoBao did not say anything in response, she realised that it was another one of those moments when he did not seem to know her thoughts. So she voiced her suspicion. "BaoBao, it is possible to disconnect our thoughts, isn't it?"

BaoBao froze. Luna was asking it casually but BaoBao took it as a threat. 

Before he bound with her spirit, he had heard from other systems' experiences that this was the most useless function systems had. There was not one host to date that has used this function yet. "Ye- Yes... I didn't think that you would mind it. Do you want to keep it disconnected after all?" BaoBao replied timidly.

Luna shook her head. "No need. It's quite convenient for you to immediately know anything I need."

BaoBao looked at her with astonishment.

Luna cocked her head when she saw his expression. "Am I wrong?"

BaoBao thought back to his crucial mistake of becoming smug and disconnecting their thoughts in the midst of the battle. "No, no. It really is useful... It's just... you're an outlier." BaoBao replied in a breathless voice. 

He felt pretty good that he had not gotten Luna's character wrong. He was right at the start about her not minding it. His worry that stemmed from data about the history of all hosts was needless in the end. 

"So what's the new function?" Luna prompted BaoBao.  

"Ah! The library resource has been made available for us!" 

"A library?"

"Yes! There are two kinds of books in the library. The world books and the books of knowledge. The world books are chosen at random and is the next world you'd be entering. The book allows you to read the entire story before sending you in whenever you're ready. The books for knowledge are in case you need to brush up a certain kind of knowledge first before entering the world."

While Luna pondered over its use, BaoBao was secretly lamenting to himself. Although he sounded cheerful, he was not entirely happy because the most important and useful thing for Luna was still not made available. Giving the world book to someone like Luna who has the perception talent... How useful can that be?!

As BaoBao was absorbed into his thoughts, he did not notice Luna nodding as she thought about the uses the world book could have for her. 

"BaoBao, let's pick a world now then."

BaoBao input the request to be assigned a world and a dark red book with gold trimmings soon appeared in front of Luna.

"A book?"

"What did you think?" BaoBao cocked his head.

"I had thought you only called it a library to refer to it as some collection of knowledge. Just a term for the ease of reference."

"It actually is."

"Why don't you send all the information into my brain like you usually do?"

"That's different. Those are the memories of the original soul which is triggered by intensely stimulating various parts of the brain. That's why you get an intense headache together with the information."

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