World 5.10: Eva

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Eva stared at the letter on the dining table in utter shock while Briana read it out for her parents to hear. It was so full of slander and jealousy that made even her parents raise their eyebrows.

I knew that she has an issue with Esmeralda but why does the second female lead of every world wish to kill the female lead? Is there no more wholesome or less antagonistic story? Eva was feeling completely fed up. She had enough of seeing the same thing repeat.

There are. It's just that the worlds that usually have bugs tend to be ones filled with stronger negative emotions.

At the same time, her parents were also commenting on the letter. "To think that our little miss would have someone so close to her wish for her death."

"A very strong wish for her death."

"Are we really going to do it?" Briana voiced out her concern for the first time. Briana could not help but feel something after serving Esmeralda for more than 10 years of her life.

"Why not?"

"It doesn't really make sense to kill her... She... Saddie's obviously just plain jealous. I never liked her."

"Esmeralda is a good person. She thinks for us, is genuinely concerned about us, and taught us how to read and write. What good would come out of killing her just because of some jealous girl's demand?"

Briana read out everything Eva wrote because she felt that it captured her feelings as well.

"Well, meeting this jealous girl's demand would give us a reward second only to what we got from killing Austin's parents."

"Can she really afford the amount she wrote anyway? I don't trust that spoilt brat. I don't want to waste our efforts." Briana pointed out.

Their parents considered Briana's words seriously. "We'll send her a warning then. She'll contact us again if she's serious about it."

Briana helped her parents write a letter to warn Saddie that her life will be taken if she does not have the promised amount.

While Briana was writing the letter, BaoBao informed Eva that there were people in the vicinity keeping watch on Esmeralda's estate.

This is a first... This isn't a good sign.

When her mother wanted to leave to send the letter to Saddie, Eva held onto her.

"What is it now, Eva?"

"Why not slip the letter into her bag tomorrow? I can do it. You can rest for tonight."

With Eva's reminder, they remembered that tomorrow was a weekend once more, which meant that Saddie would be coming to the estate with Dylan. "That's right. Briana, I trust that you'll complete this with no issue."

Briana took the letter back while nodding her head.

Eva looked slightly down that she still was not allowed to do anything. Her mother then petted her head and comforted her, "Your time will come."

For the whole of the next day, BaoBao kept Eva informed of the intruders' actions. Briana easily slipped the letter into Saddie's bag since their belongings were left unattended.

At the end of the day, her parents went to check the letterbox which they had access to from the under. To their surprise, they really received a reply.

Back at home, they sat around the table to read the letter again.

"That's fast." Her father commented with raised eyebrows.

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