World 3.12: BaiXue

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**Disclaimer: This chapter has violence/gore/torture.**

The wolf glared at BaiXue with hate-filled eyes. What does she have that gave her control over such a strong individual? He refused to believe that a meek looking woman like her was strong enough to gain the support of such a person.

Suddenly, he was kicked in the face and teeth flew out.

"Watch how you look at her." LongFei warned in a threatening voice.

"It's on this side of the mountains, isn't it?" BaiXue probed.

The wolf eyes widened in realisation. He had only been occupied with running away earlier that he had not noticed that he was back on the other side of the mountains where they came from.

LongFei broke the wolf's leg with a stomp impatiently. "She's asking you a question."

The wolf yelped and howled in pain then snarled at BaiXue with sworn vengeance in his eyes. Before he knew it, he was held down painfully by the neck and saw two fingers approaching one of his eyes. Instead of closing his eyes like he wanted, his fear made his eyes grow bigger and rounder in fear upon realising what LongFei was about to do. 

LongFei easily dug out the wolf's eyeball like it was nothing. He tossed the eyeball in front of the wolf carelessly and it rolled to a stop with its pupil facing the wolf. 

The wolf changed back to his human form to cover his now empty and bloody eye socket. Blood flowed between his fingers. He cried and wailed in pain while rolling about on the floor. He was a decently built man but was reduced to a sorry state now thanks to LongFei.

Not only was it painful, it was also the creepiest experience the wolf has ever experienced. Because the optical nerve was still intact, he was viewing two things at once. 

LongFei placed his foot on the man's untouched leg and said menacingly, "You haven't answered her."

"I'll never say it! It's our safe haven! You'll never find it and I'll never lead you to it!"

LongFei stepped down and broke his other leg as well. "Reveal it."

The man shouted out in pain.

"What's the point of protecting a village you'll never get to return to? If you reveal it, you'd live and will be free to relocate." BaiXue tried to reason with him.

"As if I'd fall for your trick. I know I'd die either way. Besides, there is no better place to live at! Torture me to death if you want, I'll not say anything! My brother will exact revenge for me! Even if your village has not experience a raid before, it will be raided by us sooner o-"

BaiXue kicked his face and he suffered another concussion except that it was far milder than when she attacked him in her rabbit form. He reminded her of her brother's death and it renewed her drive to find the culprits.

When he regained his senses, he found blood gathered in his mouth. He was kicked while he was talking so he had bit his tongue hard. He spat the blood onto the ground along with a small piece of his tongue.

"I'll fulfill your wish for a slow and painful death then." BaiXue said in a deathly cold tone.

Terror filled the man's eyes. He shook his head as LongFei held his hand up by the wrist. When he peeled the first nail off, the man started screaming and shouting in fear. His nails came off one at a time but he was still not giving up the location of his village.

LongFei went on to the fingers. He pushed back a finger until a pop could be heard. When the fingers and thumbs were all done in, LongFei proceeded on to crush his hands with his foot. The wolf was in so much pain that he was crippled by it. Tears and snot covered his face.

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