World 1.14: Chen Xinyi

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In the next moment, he appeared at the top of the tree he was resting against earlier. His movement made the two on guard stand up and rush to wake everyone else.

He looked around. He was impressed. It was actually a tree house. One would not be able to tell that it was if they looked up at it from the bottom. He toured the well-maintained small room. My past-time escaped. He was not upset though because he was confident in catching the person.

He caught sight of some garments being hung up to dry and his eyes widened in realisation. The person's a woman! How interesting! His interest in the mysterious person increased. He closed his eyes to try and sense the fluctuation from before and looked for the person's presence.

When BaoBao alerted Xinyi that the leader was inspecting their garden she immediately knew that their existence here have been found out. She also figured out the way he found them. Energy fluctuations in his surroundings. Zhang Yong briefly mentioned it long ago. She then stopped cultivating entirely, kept her presence entirely hidden, and slunk away.

I can't hide here, I'll be found.

But won't he know that's what you're thinking of? Won't hiding here be better then?

He would know that I don't have a choice but to run. If he doesn't see me scaling the cliff, he'd do a quick sweep of the area and I'll be found either way.

Xinyi was right. When the leader felt that he could no longer sense anything. He opened his eyes and looked towards the cliff first. If he did not see anyone, he was planning to conduct a quick search through the area before chasing after the person. 

He spotted a shadow going up the mountain. My little kitten's wearing black, good choice in the night. 

"Catch the woman in black scaling the wall now and bring her to me!" He yelled out his order.

Everyone went into action. However, the moment they went beyond her camouflaged garden, everything got messy. 

Branches broke, logs swung down from the trees like a pendulum, nets sprung up from the bottom, pit holes appeared where there weren't any before, spears and arrows flew, and bear traps activated. 

Those caught by the net were smashed to death by the logs, those who weren't flew away from the collision. Those who fell into the pit holes were impaled by spikes stuck at the bottom. Those who jumped out of the whole ruckus ended up jumping straight into a gathering of bear traps. It was as if she predicted even their escape routes and behaviors. Only the better ones with insane reflexes, good observation, or just purely strong, managed to escape unscathed. She dwindled the group of 16 by at least half. 

"How marvelous!" The leader laughed aloud while the other men winced. His nonchalance with so many deaths was a little appalling to them. Upon closer inspection the leader noticed how the strings to all the traps have been held taut by a mechanism that was linked to her house. She only activated them all when she left. How smart. It's time to catch my little kitten.

He disappeared from his spot in an instant and his men saw him quickly progressing towards the wall.

As for Xinyi, when the traps were activated she was just done scaling the wall and went around it. After which she asked if it was safe for BaoBao to help her fly away. BaoBao immediately did so while informing her. Only for a while! He is faster than me! Zhang Yong didn't catch up to us last time because we had a good head start and he is mid level Heaven realm! From this guy's speed, I'm guessing that he's at high level Heaven realm!!

This is bad.

He's here! They hadn't even managed to travel further than 400 metres from the mountains. BaoBao deposited her on a tree branch and disappeared.

Astral Odyssey: Dying Emberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن