World 2.13: Alice

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The days passed with the relationship between Ethan and Alice staying the same, and Stephan and Violet getting closer. Now that Stephan has settled the issue with Rosalyn, he made bolder moves on Violet and eventually asked her to be his. Violet had shyly agreed. 

Ethan was aware of the progress in the relationship between Violet and Stephan and felt a little ache and sting in his heart. However, he also realised that everything would seem alright whenever he was with Alice. Although the little ache and nagging in his heart remained, he was at peace with it at the same time because it simply felt right to be around Alice. 

Leah had lost the hold she had on Violet but she continued to follow Violet on her 'patrols' to save people who are being bullied. Violet's reputation continued to soar among the oppressed and plummet among the strong. Nobody asked about and tried finding Alice anymore.

Half a year passed like that and the final examinations arrived.

Their results came with a ranking for each subject and an overall performance. Everyone passed the subject examinations with flying colours, even Alice. However, everyone else did so well that Alice's good results still fell behind and looked above average at best. Even Ethan was surprised that Alice would only do averagely for all the hard work she had put in. He had personally witnessed everything she did after all.

I knew you made a few mistakes but... to cost you to fall behind others by so much? That's insane. How does this happen? BaoBao lamented. There was only a minuscule probability of this happening according to his calculations but it happened.

To be honest, I can't explain it either. It's kind of amazing in it's own way.

You should just let me tell you the answers next time so that we can find out if it's a world hack.

Good idea.

News about the ability examination arrived and everyone got excited. 

The ruthless school that did not care if students survived or died had ruthless tests as well. The final examination they had to pass to graduate was a month long survival task in the wild. Their performance will be graded based on the state they are in when they come out of the forest. If they come out in pristine condition, they performed the best. To pass, they only needed to survive the wild and against the schemes of others. If they died, they failed. 

The period of the test always varied over the years and would only be told a week before the departure date. Students who managed to steal the information would have more time to prepare in advance. Going to the site to scout and lay traps were also allowed. There were no rules nor boundaries. It was a deadly examination.

Violet wanted the group to meet up and strategise for the upcoming examination. Ethan relayed that message to Alice but Alice did not give a reply. BaoBao had given her a warning when she received news of the examination. Alice, this examination is the final crucial development.

...Understood. Alice had mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

When it was time for the group to meet during lunch the next day, Alice did not turn up. The group wanted to find her at her room but Ethan stood up first and told Violet that he would get Alice here for her.

"You know where she is?"

"I'm just guessing. Instead of having everyone go around finding her, let me do it." He sped off using his ability as a boost. Seeing that, everyone was convinced that it was more efficient to leave the search for Alice to him.

Ethan went to find Alice at their usual spot. The moment he arrived, Alice informed him, "I didn't say that I would attend."

"It was not exactly a question." Ethan said softly.

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