World 1.8: Chen Xinyi

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The moment he swallowed one spoonful of soup, his eyes grew wide. What's this? "Is this some cooking secret arts? It feels... refreshing and my spiritual power feels slightly replenished." He described in awe.

Xinyi's ears perked up and she looked at him. Slightly?  "There's no feeling of being cleansed at all?"

Zhang Yong shook his head. Xinyi realised that this was her chance to try and change a variable she never thought she could before. Changing the consumer and the one infusing the power into the soil. What made Zhang Yong an even better candidate was that he was of a far different cultivation level than her.

This herb has not yet been nourished as much as the best one I ate before... I need to run another experiment like the previous one before I can know for sure. "Commander Zhang, do you mind helping me out with something?" 

Her sudden courteous manner of speaking made him sit ram-rod straight. "What is it?" He asked seriously.

"I need your help in completing something new I have been trying out, but this needs to be held in utmost secrecy." 

Zhang Yong looked deep into her eyes. Her eyes caught the light from the flame of the candle. He finally noticed that there were some golden specks hidden in her grey eyes. 

"You have beautiful eyes." Zhang Yong complimented softly.

"What?" Xinyi was thrown off by the random compliment. She was expecting an answer to her question.

"I trust that you won't do anything bad. What is it that you need my help in?"

Did his compliment have anything to do with what he just said? She began to realise that the second male lead could behave in mind-boggling ways.

Xinyi explained to him the experiment she has completed and how she was now thinking of changing the person who ate it and the person who infused spiritual power into the soil. She was guessing that the effect would vary depending on these variables. Throughout the whole time, Zhang Yong was admiring how her eyes were twinkling with excitement instead of the usual dead look it has.

"Who would have thought of this? You have a good head on your shoulders." He complimented her again. 

He has a glib tongue. Xinyi remarked.

Better than a poisonous one. BaoBao replied.

Xinyi told Zhang Yong to find 2 pots in the shed near her garden while she took her bath. After she was done, she came out to find him waiting patiently at the stone table and admiring the moon. It was quite a surreal sight to behold. He wore black garments with silver embroidery. His graceful yet masculine features were gently highlighted by the moonlight. The whole mood of the picture was dark but peaceful.

Xinyi, jump him. BaoBao said while drooling.

Are sick things the only thing that crosses your mind? Xinyi lightly chided. 

She walked to Zhang Yong and told him to wait at the table. She went to get new herbs, not from her garden as those has already been infused with her spiritual power, and planted them into the 2 pots. She would be growing one and Zhang Yong would be growing the other. He would bring it back after 6 months which is when the herbs will be completely grown. She extended the experiment by one month because she also wanted to test if the effects would be stronger the longer they grew in a soil infused with spiritual energy.

She demonstrated to him how they could infuse their spiritual power into the soil while cultivating. "Put both hands beside the pot as if you're holding it. You don't actually have to touch it. Imagine the pot as part of your body while you're cultivating. Your energy would naturally flow through the pot and soil while it courses all through your body as well. Is doing this everyday possible?"

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