Part 30: Sicheng, the Psychologist

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⚠️ WARNING: Mentions of torture, homophobic slurs ⚠️

"It was called X-45. A group of rogue scientists from China fled to our area in Seoul, stationing up a lab to create this drug. They combined a series of drugs ranging from LSD to random chemicals. Somehow, they succeeded and the end result was a drug that resulted in memory loss." Sicheng rolled across the titled floor in his chair to check another one of the machines that Donghyuck was hooked up to. "They wanted to sell it exclusively to us because we helped to protect them but Monsta X got wind of it and encroached on our turf, leading to our past turf war."

"So you guys sent Renjun and I into their territory to discover their plans for how they were going to attack us? And they ended up capturing me?" Donghyuck shifted uncomfortably on the medical bed and glanced at Sicheng for confirmation. Sicheng was looking at his watch and had his fingers over Donghyuck's pulse on his wrist, checking it with the heart monitor. He nodded to himself and then nodded to answer Donghyuck's question, moving to check another monitor.

"Yes, however, after we got to you I can only assume that you had been so traumatized that your brain shut down in order to protect itself from a complete mental break." Sicheng finished checking the last monitor and rolled back over to station himself next to Donghyuck. "Like we previously explained you didn't remember anything except for Jeno so we had to let you go. Renjun, well, Renjun couldn't handle the pain of being away from you while remembering all the time you had spent together."

"So he took the drug?"

"Yes, Kun had obtained a small supply of the pills from the scientists and had done extensive research on them. Renjun had practically begged Kun to give him a dose. He-," Sicheng sighed and checked to see if the needle was properly inserted into Donghyuck's forearm, "-uh, He didn't care if he didn't remember the mafia or even his own name, he just couldn't bear not being with you."

Donghyuck's heart ached painfully against his chest and he felt his emotions surge, clogging up his throat. Renjun had been in so much pain without him that he would have sacrificed his entire life and relationships with his newfound family just to forget the pain of Donghyuck leaving him.

"B-but he remembered you guys," Donghyuck licked his dry lips and looked guiltily at Sicheng who was giving him a look.

"Yeah thankfully. But it's not your fault Donghyuck, don't dwell on it too much. He remembers everything now." Sicheng said calmly and Donghyuck shot up.

"He what?" Donghyuck yelled and looked at Sicheng with his mouth open in shock. Renjun remembered? Renjun remembered Donghyuck? Before the drug? Sicheng looked at him with surprise and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, we sort of weren't suppose to tell you. He got it back close to a week and a half ago." Sicheng gave him a sheepish smile as Donghyuck just stared at him. Donghyuck's brain was already hurting and they hadn't even started trying to get his memories back yet. Renjun remembered, which meant Donghyuck was the only one in the dark. And if there was one thing Donghyuck hated, it was losing.

"So-" Donghyuck moved to sit back on the cot and looked at the ceiling, still trying to process all of the information that had just been giving to him. The information he still, somehow, didn't remember. "-what exactly was my relationship with Renjun?"

"That's for you to find out yourself," a voice answered from the doorway and Donghyuck groaned as he looked towards the figure leaning against the frame.

"Okay, but can you actually fuck off?" Donghyuck mumbled to himself as Johnny walked over to the side of the bed, followed not even seconds later by Lucas running into the medical bay and asking if he had missed anything.

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