Part 21: Renjun's Past

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⚠️WARNING: Mentions of and allusion to Rape, homophobic slurs, abuse/mentions of⚠️

Renjun stumbled through the halls of his school, fear coursing through his veins as taunting shouts came from behind him. His weak twelve-year-old body could only handle so many kicks and punches. With the combination of his dad's abuse at home with his bullies abuse at school, Renjun wasn't sure he was going to last the rest of the year.

They were a group of three high schoolers that came to help out with some of the middle school classes at the end of the day for community service. Ever since they had come to the school six months ago they had chosen Renjun for their target. Why? Renjun didn't know. He had never spoken to them until they dragged him outside and started to punch him.

His breath came out in ragged beats as he heard the footsteps begin to come closer. He cursed himself for not having a stronger body and he shakily pushed the doors open to the school, praying someone would see him before they could ge-

"Where you going fag?" A sneer came from behind him as he was jerked backwards by his collar.

"Please, please I didn't do anything to you," Renjun cried out and sobbed as one of the boys dragged him across the ground towards one of hidden alleyways next to the school.

The boy dragging Renjun pushed him to ground. Renjun felt his neck crack as other hand gripped tightly onto his hair. Renjun cried out in pain and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Look at him just laying there! He's practically asking for it!" Another one of his bullies laughed and the other two joined in as Renjun started to cry harder.

"Please just leave me alone," Renjun sobbed and began to try and push away the three pairs of hands that started to trail over his body, to places that he didn't want them touching. "I-I don't wa- don't touch m-me."

"Shut up gay boy, you're asking for it." A fist came into contact with Renjun's face and he cried out, earning another hit to his rib cage as hands began to fumble with his clothing.

Renjun screamed for help but no one came.

The sky was dark and glittering with white dots when Renjun became conscious again. He lay still, staring at the sky as tears slipped out of his eyelids onto the ground. His body hurt. His ribs ached and sent stabbing pains through his nervous system as he breathed, his legs burned with countless bruises. But what hurt the most wasn't physical.

His body was no longer his own.

Renjun cried, his sobs reaching his own ears, and he wondered if anyone heard. Did anyone see? Did anyone know? Would they leave me here until not only my body was bruised but my pride and dignity?

Renjun didn't know how he found the strength but he sat up and grabbed his discarded clothes. Refusing to look at his damaged body, Renjun slipped his clothes back on and wiped the tears from his face, more falling in response.

He eventually took step after step and walked out of the dark and stained alley. Grabbing his bag he rummaged around, finding a couple of crinkled dollars to pay for new medical supplies. With the dark sky, Renjun only assumed it was late and needed to prepare for his father's rage when he got home.

He silently made his way down the empty street, his mind screaming with pain. He robotically made his way to the convenience store he always went to and picked out the supplies he would need: bandages and cream.

After silently handing the cashier the money, Renjun headed back out into the unforgiving world. He had only taken a couple of steps before a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Renjun jerked away and whirled around, eyes wide and hands shooting up in defense, his bag falling to the ground.

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