Part 6: Shoot Out

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Donghyuck had plans after school.

Had plans.

When the last bell rang and he pushed past all his annoying classmates to his locker to meet up with Mark and Jisung as planned he did not expect to be met with two apologetic looks.

"Sorry, a family issue came up. You know with my Dad and everything." Mark had quickly explained before his phone rang, waving goodbye to the two boys as he raced out of the school.

Donghyuck had then turned to the sheepish boy left standing in front of him, eyes raised as if to ask what excuse he had.

"The teacher's keeping me after for math, he says my grades aren't up to par and he wanted to discuss where I should go from here."

Donghyuck gave the boy a confused stare, "Jisung you're great at math how are your grades not up to par?" If Donghyuck wasn't mistaken Jisung had paled a little at this before stumbling out another excuse about 'bad test grades' and ran off.

Donghyuck then walked out of the already empty school into the parking lot, no option left but to go home.

But he had forgotten, as he does sometimes, that Jeno was leaving immediately after school to go to Jaemin's house. Guess he had no luck there.

Donghyuck had just been planning to walk to the park to hang out with Jisung and Mark and then grab some ramen from the nearby convenience store. However, the plan kind of went to shit when Mark and Jisung both bailed on him.


So now Donghyuck was walking down the street to pick up ramen anyways, the hungry boy he was.

He started to hum the tune of a song he had heard but couldn't remember exactly when or where. He felt the thud of his footsteps jolt through his body as the rubber on the bottom of his sneakers stepped rhythmically on the crowded sidewalk.

The constant buzz of conversation flowed in and out of his ears, people brushed against his body as he made his way through the busy streets with ease and familiarity. The syncopated yells of nearby vendors or the occasional honk of a car helped to add some variety to the otherwise boring hum of the city.

The varying smells of street food almost lured him in and away from his target destination but he quickly pulled himself away from the temptation and settled for enjoying the smell instead of longing for it.

The weather was in between. It wasn't cold and it wasn't warm, it was just...air. The wind was stilled and Donghyuck stuck his hands in his pants pockets as he continued his journey.

He was soon rewarded with the chime of a bell and the cool blast of A/C as he strode into the convenience store. He was greeted with a robotic 'hello' from the tired-looking cashier and Donghyuck nodded in response, echoing the expected greeting back.

He immediately made his way to the section of the store that held the ramen cups, grabbing one cup before pausing, then grabbing another. He made his way to the counter and awkwardly exchanged money for food with the exhausted-looking man.

Donghyuck had already decided to sit down at the tables and eat his ramen here, not too inclined to spend the afternoon and evening locked in his room.
He made his way over to one of the tables and placed his school bag down before beginning to heat up and cook his ramen cup.

When he was finally settled he had one of his steaming food cups ready to eat (the other one saved for later consumption) and his schoolwork splayed out in front of him. Donghyuck cracked his chopsticks apart as his eyes racked over the work he had to do, analyzing which one to start with. He carefully shifted his papers so his math work was on top and with perfect multi-tasking skills he balanced eating and work.

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