Part 15: A Lead Pt. 2

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"Officer Park Seonghwa. Age 22. He's officially from Jinju but now he lives in Gangnam with his wife. He also enjoys cooking." Lucas recited and Renjun cracked his neck as he reclined sideways in one of Taeyong's armchairs.

He glanced across the room from his seat and watched as Lucas gave his report to Taeyong about the officer that had talked to Donghyuck. Renjun was there because he needed this information, seeing as apparently only him and Lucas were specifically on this case.

He saw Taeyong give him a sideways glance and Renjun made sure to stare right at his face. Renjun could feel anger bubble up in his gut and felt this skin crawl over his cheek where Taeyong had hit him.

Renjun rolled his eyes and turned his gaze towards Lucas who was standing in front of Taeyong's desk, waiting for the boss to respond.

"Any connections to gangs or other suspicious figures?" came Taeyong's questions and Renjun tsked, earning another glare from the older. It wasn't Renjun's fault Taeyong hit him.

"Well, after loosening up his wife a little bit," Renjun snorted and earned a humorous grin from Lucas, "she confessed that she thought her husband was cheating on her with someone else. He was going out late at night and coming back nervous. She almost followed him one night but she chickened out and decided for herself that ignorance was bliss. Damn shame if you ask me." Lucas cocked his head and clicked his tongue.

"I'm sure Jungwoo was happy," Renjun snipped carelessly at the older who took it as a joke and threw him a playful glare. Renjun returned it with a blank expression.

"If you two are done with your childish behavior," Taeyong interjected with his same emotionless voice and both boys turned to look at their boss, "Lucas thank you for your information. You and Renjun are to stake out their home and follow the husband to his destination. You are not to take any action but simply observe where he is going and who he is meeting. Got it?"

Renjun nodded curtly and swung his legs off the arm of the chair, standing up and making his way over to Lucas.

"When do we leave?" Lucas asked and Renjun turned to look down into Taeyong's eyes that seemed to be boring into his own. Renjun returned the stare.  He had told himself when he joined 5 years ago at the ripe age of 12 that he would never let anyone disrespect him again. He certainly wasn't going to start now.

"Now." was the sharp response that came and he saw Lucas nod out of the corner of his eyes, still staring back at Taeyong. "Renjun," The boss started to say but Renjun felt a spark of anger go through his boy and grabbed the papers off Taeyong's desk, throwing them onto the ground.

The papers flew everywhere and landed out of order on the carpeted floor. Renjun watched with a sort of glee as Taeyong sprung up, anger evident on his face. Before he could say anything Renjun took a confident step back and interjected.

"You know my dad abused me for 7 years and you dared put your hands on me?" Renjun's voice filled the room and he felt Lucas still next to him along with the male in front of him. Renjun never talked about his past and, other than Taeyong and Sicheng, no one knew the full story of how he had ended up in the mafia at 12 years old.

"Renjun-" Taeyong started again but Renjun slammed his hand down on Taeyong's desk, pointing his finger right at Taeyong's face.

"You don't get to say shit Mr. Lee. You know that at the ripe young age of five years old my dad beat the shit out of me, whether it was with his own hands or handy objects he found. You wanna put your hands on me and force me to relive that after you promised to never let that happen to me again?" Renjun spit at the man and moved back, his mouth pulled back into a sneer, his face filled with disgust.

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