Part 1: The Mission

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"Renjun you need to clear this room in the next five fucking minutes or you're dead."

Renjun groaned in annoyance before he grabbed the earpiece out of his ear, throwing it to the ground, crushing it with the heel of his boot.

"Can they step the fuck off my case," Renjun grumbled before cracking his neck slightly, listening hard for any noise coming from around the corner.




Renjun grinned, loading his gun and fixing his hair roughly.

Too fucking easy.

Renjun whirled around the corner, arms extended, his gun pointing at the three wide-eyed guards in front of him.


Renjun flicked his finger over the trigger, three pops bounced off the walls, followed by the thud of three bodies hitting the ground. One of the guns went off, firing a round into the side of the wall. Renjun cracked his neck.


Renjun scanned the bodies for movement, nodding in satisfaction when they remained the lifeless corpses he had created. His gun hung easily from his hands as he slid past the bodies, knees bent to prevent excess noise.

The red emergency lights flared as the alarms blared in the background. Music to Renjun's experienced ears. He heard faint yelling from a couple of floors down and paused, back to the wall as he listened for noise around the next corner.



Renjun slid past two fresh bodies joining the steadily increasing body count, lights reflecting in his focused eyes.


He made his way down the carpeted corridor, the red lights flashing and darkening the tacky wallpaper. He heard whimpers and cries from within locked offices but he didn't care. He only had one goal.

Renjun arrived at his target's door, knocking lightly before standing back. A defending crack resounded through the hallway as the bottom Renjun's foot came into contact with the flimsy wooden door.

Renjun waltzed into the office, murderous eyes landing on the cowering man, scrambling on the floor after falling out of his chair.

"P-please I-I'll get the money. Just give me a week! I-I have kids, a-a wife!" The man sniveled as Renjun pointed the gun at his head. Renjun moved so the barrel was up against the crying man's head, his pleas growing desperate with each inch Renjun moved closer.

"You should have thought about them before crossing us," Renjun sneered before methodically pulling down the trigger.

Renjun pursed his lips in annoyance, wiping the blood away from his lips and away from his eyes.

"Disgusting pig," Renjun sighed as he looked down at the dead man. He placed his gun back in his belt. He rolled the sleeves of his tight black shirt up and fixed his hair roughly as he turned to walk back out of the door. The air stung at his scarred arms.

His fingers pulled an extra earpiece out of his pocket and he connected it to the block clipped onto the edge of his pants before hooking the device in his ear.

"Mission successful."

"Fuck you Renjun."

"Where's the extraction point."

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