Part 16: Progress?

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Donghyuck looked at his older friend with the upmost concern.

"Dude are you high or something?" Jisung's equally concerned face looked at Mark who was smiling weirdly down at his watermelon, shockingly only looking at it and not eating it.

Mark jumped at the apparently shocking question and looked between the two boy's concerned faces. He lightly hit his cheeks as if to snap himself out of whatever place he was in.

"That's Hyung first of all Jisung," he pointed at the younger who groaned and then he smiled at the two, "Second, there was this cute person I met over the weekend."

Donghyuck sprung up and slammed his hands on the table before shrieking 'what'. Mark flushed in embarrassment and pulled him down before shushing the two and motioning for them to come closer.

"I met them over the weekend and they flirted with me and then they asked for my number." Mark made a happy noise and Donghyuck's jaw dropped. Someone flirted and asked Mark for his number. Something was wrong with the universe if anyone found his seagull looking ass attractive. On to more important questions,

"So was it a girl or guy?" Donghyuck leaned his head on his hand and watched as Mark started to panic.

"I, uh, we'll you see, like it was, well-" Mark started to ramble but Jisung cut him off.

"Mark we know you're gay why must you make everything hard?" Jisung said matter of factly and Donghyuck reached over to smack Jisung on the head.

"Jisung! We were waiting for him to tell us himself you bastard!" He scolded and Jisung pouted, both boys turning back to a shocked Mark. Donghyuck placed a hand on Mark's arm and smiled at him.

"We kind of guessed? Sorry to assume but you've never looked at a girl and you panicked last week when Kang Daniel asked to borrow a pencil." Mark turned a deeper shade of red and shifted nervously. "Mark, we're your friends. We are going to support you no matter who you are. Did you think we wouldn't support you? Bullshit Mark. You're our best friend and you're someone who would die for us and we would die for you. We love you, no matter who you love."

Donghyuck felt himself be pulled into a hug and quickly moved to wrap his arms around Mark's torso. He felt Mark bury his head into his shoulder and felt tears start to soak his shirt. He pulled Mark over as Jisung made his way over to sit behind Mark and started to rub his back.

"T-thanks guys," Mark sniffled and finally pulled himself away, eyes red, and he took his glasses off to rub any excess tears away. "Y'all are bitches for making me cry in public like this." The three of them laughed and fell into a comfortable silence.

"That's gay bitches to you," Jisung muttered after a couple of seconds and the Donghyuck dissolved into hysterics as Mark started to giggle.


Donghyuck huffed as he threw his bag into the car and slide into the seat next to Jisung. He flopped himself on his side and threw his head onto Jisung's lap who started to smack his forehead.

"Get off me you lump," Jisung grumbled and started to smack his forehead harder. Donghyuck turned to look the boy dead in the eyes.

"You put me in danger so that I got shot in the leg not to mention the fact that you hid this life from Mark and I for years regardless of the danger you put us in and now I'm stuck in the mafia life due to your bad decisions. I suggest you let me place my head on your lap because not only am I tired but also stressed. Thank you very much."

Donghyuck rolled back over closing his eyes to rest easy after his long school day and the stunned boy just sat there in shock. After a minute or two of them waiting for Mr. Kim to come to the car Jisung started to thread his fingers through Donghyuck's hair in a soothing fashion.

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