Part 25: How Could I Forget You?

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Renjun loved journaling.

Renjun loved to spend some of his free time with a pen in hand and watch as the words rushing through his head were placed down onto paper. He never got tired of the liberating feeling when he could release all of his pent up emotions in a somewhat healthy way.

Which was one of the reasons Renjun was currently turning his room upside down.

"Fuck, where could they have gone?" He grumbled to himself as he looked around the room at his few belongings, papers, and blankets strewn across the floor.

Renjun was almost 100% sure that his past self would have journaled.

With his very confident hypothesis, he set about trying to see if he could find any journals hidden from him that would reveal everything that he was forgetting. That his past self made him forget. But there was still that seed of doubt that he might have just burned the pages if they even existed at all.

Renjun started to walk around and jump up and down on various floorboards in his room, praying that there might be a hidden compartment.


"Ha, you fucker." Renjun grinned to himself as he reached over and grabbed the knife sitting on his nightside table. He crouched down and looked at the edges of the loose floorboard before stabbing his knife into a small gap. He wiggled the knife deeper and started to push down on the handle, prying the floorboard out of the ground.

Renjun was met with an empty space, save for a couple of cobwebs that occupied the corners of the small box-like space.

Renjun groaned in defeat and threw the knife, purposely sticking it into the wallpaper across from him. He was never going to find these journals he might have written.

But damn it all if Renjun wasn't going to try his best.

Like hell he was going to forget Donghyuck and whatever past he had with him.

Those were his memories and he had no business taking them away from himself. Renjun didn't know the circumstances but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had been through so much and yet, he had caved and taken an easy way out. He was a coward. Renjun thought he had more strength and conviction than that.

So where to next?

Renjun sat with his back against the wall and his legs outstretched in front of him as he pondered over possible locations that he might have hidden these journals. He had given Sicheng a key to hide a potential letter for him, he might have given another member the journals to hide and protect.

Taeyong's office.

Renjun placed his hands firmly on the ground and pushed himself up with an involuntary 'oof'. He didn't bother cleaning up his room and made his way through the house in the direction of Taeyong's office. If he could recall correctly, Taeyong was out with Doyoung right now and probably wouldn't be back for a while. It wasn't often he got free time, so Taeyong would use it the best he could to spend with his lover.

Renjun might not have liked Taeyong the most, but he respected him immensely. Taeyong worked day after day without pause to keep everything under control and to keep everything working like clockwork. The mafia system under Taeyong was the best it had ever been according to Kun, earning a 'How old are you?' from Chenle.

Renjun looked down both directions of the hallway before twisting the knob to Taeyong's office and slipping inside. He carefully closed the door behind him and looked around the room. It was the same, nothing had changed except for the absence of the significant amount of documents that usually occupied his desk. 

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