Part 19: Operation Trespass

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Renjun rolled his shoulders out and cracked his neck, leaning his body against the door frame leading to the living room. The entire group was spread out filling the entire space, even Donghyuck who was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him, attention enraptured by Taeyong who was speaking in the front.

"According to information presented to me, the gang that is chasing Lee Donghyuck and targeting our group is Monsta X. Lead mainly by Sohn Hyun-woo, or more commonly known as Shownu, their group consists of one leader and six lower split leaders with countless underdogs under their command." Taeyong was standing in front of the room walking back and forth, his eyes flitting between each of the member's faces.

"Monsta X? Are you serious?" Yuta interjected and Taeyong nodded, as emotionless as ever.

"Our past with them raises obvious concerns and although we've had an armistice for the past year, their tattoo of the X infinity symbol on the side of the neck of several security guards were present at the meeting between who we assume was one of the leaders and the police officer that had made contact with Donghyuck." Renjun shifted on his feet and looked down at the boy who was sitting by them.

"But why would they target us after all this time? We agreed to stay out of each other's territory and keep civil after our turf war?" Taeil questioned from the couch and Jungwoo added his own noise of confusion.

Turf war? Renjun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Sure they had had several skirmishes in the past but nothing as huge as a turf war. He felt a tap on his leg and looked down to see Donghyuck looking up at him, beckoning him to lean down so he could ask a question. Renjun crouched down and Donghyuck leaned closer.

"Why would this group, uh, Monsta X break your agreement, did you do something to them?" Donghyuck whispered and Renjun thought for a second, balancing carefully on the balls of his feet.

"I would probably guess that they're angry about the end of the turf war but that wouldn't make any sense because we both came out with equal casualties," Renjun paused and tried to determine if he should voice his other thoughts, "and I'm a bit confused because I don't remember there ever being a turf war."

Donghyuck looked at him in surprise but also seemed a little troubled. "You don't remember a turf war? Maybe it happened before you were here."

Renjun shook his head, immediately dismissing the idea. "No, I was here for our first conflict with Monsta X. I remember everyone saying so. Which is why this is weird, I only remember those couple street fights but I don't remember something as big as a turf war."

Renjun racked his brain for any memory whatsoever of any huge battles but the only one that came to mind was the one they had with EXO, when he had first joined the mafia. Other than that, he really couldn't remember. He felt a small nudge on his leg and he jumped, flinging out of his thoughts. He turned to Donghyuck who was looking at him apologetically but motioned with his eyes to look back up to Taeyong.

He turned his eyes to the older who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow and an extremely displeased expression.

"You could at least pay attention since it's your boyfriend's life in stake," Taeyong said coldly but no one in the room snickered as confusion, realization, and anger flashed across Renjun's face in a matter of seconds. He rose to his feet and stepped in front of Donghyuck who was still sitting on the floor.

"What the hell do you mean his life?" Renjun spit back, somewhat struggling to keep his emotions in check like he normally would.

"If you were listening you would know," Taeyong scoffed and pointed at the boy behind Renjun, "We're using him to draw out and lay a trap for them." He said simply and Renjun clenched his fists tightly. There was no way in hell he was going to let them put Donghyuck in danger. He had no idea how to protect himself and he wasn't officially a part of the mafia. This would drag him in and keep him involved in the dangerous lifestyle.

"No." He said and he watched with slight satisfaction as Taeyong clenched his jaw in anger.

"Then what do you suggest Renjun," Taeyong practically spit at him, "Do you have a better plan?" Renjun rolled his eyes and glared at the older.

"Give me an hour and I can figure out a better plan than sacrificing a civilian who can't defend himself against mafia members to do what exactly? Capture them? There's always a possibility that Donghyuck could be captured, then what? We couldn't question them or find out information." Renjun ran his hand through his hair and bit his lip. "Give me an hour."

He could see anger rolling off of Taeyong for disrespecting him like that in front of the entire group but he could also see that Taeyong knew he was right. It was a reckless plan. One that wouldn't ensure the safety of Donghyuck. "You have one hour, don't make me regret this," Taeyong grumbled and stalked out of the room towards the office, Johnny following right behind him.

"You know, you don't have to push his buttons Hyung," Chenle came over to stand by him, Kun right behind him. Renjun ran his fingers through his hair and groaned.

"I know but I can't put Donghyuck in danger, there has to be another way." He breathed out and felt a presence next to him. He turned to make eye contact with Donghyuck who was smiling at him.

"I know you can figure it out Jun," he smiled and gave him a thumbs-up gesture which Renjun smiled at.

"Oh my gosh you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?" Chenle screeched and Renjun whipped around to look shocked at the younger while Kun had a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

"I'm going to strangle you," Renjun whispered viciously and he could have sworn the blood drained right out of Chenle's face.

"Renjun Hyung please don't kill my friend," Jisung stepped in front of him and Renjun let out an annoyed tsk, taking a step back.

"Ji you saved my life," Chenle cried and Renjun felt like vomiting when he saw the two younger boys smile and walk away laughing.

"I hate to break it to you," Donghyuck's voice caused him to turn back to face the boy, "but you've got less than an hour to figure out a plan in which I'm not in the danger of being kidnapped." Renjun groaned and hit his forehead.

"I'm going to go walk around alright?" He rushed out and before his brain could scream at him not to do it, he grabbed Donghyuck's hand and gave it a light squeeze before releasing it just as quickly. Not waiting for Donghyuck's reaction he turned to leave the space, turning down one of the hallways.

Renjun decided to push away the lingering feeling of anxiety and happily realized that he wasn't as disgusted as he thought he would be. He soon found himself standing in the middle of the medical bay, his mind whirling as he tried to figure out a realistic plan.

"Having some trouble?" Sicheng's voice called him from behind and Renjun turned to face the older. Renjun just stared before asking the question that had been bugging him since it had wormed its way into his thoughts.

"Sicheng, have I ever suffered from a head injury. Maybe bad enough to cause memory loss?" He posed and he watched as Sicheng frowned in thought.

"No," Sicheng said slowly, looking at Renjun with what seemed like guilt, which confused him, "No, you've never suffered from a head injury. Why are you not remembering something?" He seemed to ask with a sort of urgency and Renjun shook his head letting out a sigh.

"No, no it's nothing," he said, shaking off his lingering feeling of paranoia. Something wasn't right but he didn't know what was wrong. Renjun wasn't stupid. He knew this had something to do with his dreams, maybe even Donghyuck and his dreams too. Something wasn't sitting right with him, but he couldn't afford the time to think about it now. He had to come up with a plan.

"Sicheng come on, Jungwoo needs you for his back," Yuta's head popped into the doorway and then disappeared after Sicheng gave him a nod.

"Alright, I'm sorry but I have to go, we'll have to talk about this some other time. Okay?" Sicheng said and without waiting for his response, the older left the room. But his words, his specific phrase, reminded Renjun of something.

Or more specifically, someone.


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