Part 24: Uncovering

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Donghyuck bolted out of the medical bay and began to walk. Before he could control himself, he was practically sprinted up the stairs to his room. As soon as he pulled his door open he slammed it shut behind him and the darkness of his room enveloped him. His chest heaved up and down as his mind replayed the events of the last couple of minutes on repeat.

"I-you're Haechan."

Donghyuck hesitantly touched his chin where Renjun's fingers had previously rested and he felt his heart pound against his chest.

"What the hell Huang Renjun," he muttered under his breath and sank to the floor, running his fingers through his hair.

"You're the sun."

Donghyuck let out a frustrated yell and pulled at his hair with his two hands before leaning his head back on the door frame. Donghyuck needed his own answers. It was obvious to him now that he was this 'Haechan' that Renjun had been mentioning and who Sicheng had gotten so upset over.

But the dreams that Renjun was having with this Haechan, him as he now knew, and even his own dreams. They weren't good dreams and from what Donghyuck could tell and theorize, they weren't dreams either. They must hold some sort of truth in them. They messed with his emotions too much to be created solely from his subconscious. 

Donghyuck needed more information and he was going to get it.

He took a couple of deep breaths to calm his erratic heartbeat before moving to stand up. He pulled his door open and walked into the empty hallway. He wandered down the stairs and began to walk aimlessly around the hallways and rooms of the house, or mansion if he was technical. He caught a glance of Sicheng once but decided that he wasn't going to get information out of him. Not in his state at least.

Donghyuck glanced into what looked like an office and his eyes shifted to rest on Yukhei who was just crossing the room to sit at his desk. This room, which he presumed to be Yukhei's office of sorts, was filled with bookshelves and documents placed haphazardly all over the floor, along with a giant board across one of the walls with different colored strings strewn all over the surface. Donghyuck could just make out the face of the cop who had spoken to him in the hospital all those days ago on a small photo pinned to the board. 

He rapped his knuckles softly on the wooden door frame causing Yukhei to snap his head up to see who was standing at the door, a small smile coming onto the older face as his eyes rested on Donghyuck's face. 

"Hey Donghyuck what's up?" He asked casually as he stood by the side of his desk, shuffling through several documents in his hand.

"Haechan. You can call me Haechan," he said gently, with faux emotion coating his words. Donghyuck watched as the documents slipped from Yukhei's lax grasp and fluttered to rest out of order on the floor. Donghyuck almost regretted his actions as Yukhei let out a choked sob and tears started to slide down his face. He brought one of the hands that were previously holding the now fallen documents to cover his mouth as he gaped in shock. 

Yukhei crossed the room in a matter of seconds and wrapped his arms tightly around Donghyuck's smaller frame. Donghyuck could feel the older's heartbeat thudding against his chest at an abnormal rate as Yukhei buried his face into the crook of Donghyuck's neck.

Donghyuck carefully wrapped his own arms around the older's waist as he cried into his shoulder. Guilt started to eat away at Donghyuck but there was really no way to go back on his decision now.

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