Chapter 10: Paranoid Senses

Start from the beginning

   “Hello my dear, still trying to be The Doctor’s new pet?” I heard Luke say from behind me. My skin prickled but I turned to face him.

   “Your not fooling me anymore. You can talk as much shit about him as you want but I know who is trying to use me and who isn’t.” He cocked an eyebrow and I felt the need to explain further. “This whole time, this whole friendship was you manipulating me. All you wanted was sex and now that you got it you’ve completely changed and thats how I know.”

   “I’ve changed because I’ve been busy.” He said with a sly smile, at first he appeared to by trying to explain his actions and smooth things over but he really didn’t care. “Can I tell you something that you wont go run and tell your dear Doctor?” He answered for me, “Well I’ll make you want to keep it a secret then. I haven’t been here to play you, you were only a minor entertainment to keep my skills sharp. I’ve been here gathering information, I play both sides of a fight. One side with your boyfriend and the other with his father. They both want to take each other down plus they play two side of a rift so the rebels will also be colliding with the rulers. Now you may be wondering why I’m telling you this right? Thats because I know you’ve gotten in close with the Jolly Old Doctor himself and so I want you to spy on him for me.”

   “and what makes you think I’m going to do that?” I asked bitterly. 

   “Because of your mommy.” He said with a twisted grin, my heart twisted. “You see, in your absence she died. Mommy didn’t know how to take care of herself anymore because she relied on her loving daughter who ended up abandoning her and so it only took a couple weeks for me to watch her starve to death and fall ill. It was quite entertaining actually. But the part that you care about is that I can get her back. I can bring her back, whole, happy and just like she was before daddy left and all you’ve got to do is keep an eye on The Doc and answer any questions I have... oh and of course meet up with me every now and then when I request.” He said with a perverted wink. I shuddered. 

   “How do I know you are telling me the truth?” He put out his hand and suddenly an imagine appeared in a green fog. It was my ma, sick and dying and crying about the loss of the only thing she had left, her daughter. Tears streamed down my eyes silently as I watch but luckily he was merciful enough to put it away before she did indeed die.

   “The choice is yours, choose wisely.” He said, walking off with an evil grin. A down fall finally hit drenching me within minutes but I couldn’t move. I was frozen to my place staring at the ground in disbelief. Rain drops slid through my hair instantly turning it into a curly mess and they slid around my face and off my eyelashes giving the appearance of crying. I could be crying for all I knew but I was so numb I didn’t know.

   “Lacy get out of the rain!” Someone called but I was so far gone into my own head that I scarily heard them. “Lacy what are you doing? are you alright?” They asked wrapping a jacket around me. I continued to stare forward as if in a trans-like state. Finally I saw Cameron step in front of me looking me in the eyes but it still didn’t break me out of my fog. He shined a light in my eyes, I wasn’t sure if it was more of a tactic to get my attention or check my pupil function but regardless of what it was I didn’t respond. Suddenly my feet felt possessed and they started moving taking me somewhere but Cameron hit me in the back of the neck, knocking me out before I could do anything else. 

   At first I thought the room around me was on fire and I felt panicked but as my eyes adjusted I realized I was just lying in Cameron’s bed again, looking at the drapes. My mind felt tired and I had a massive head ache which made me moan. When I had first woken up I was alone but as soon as I made that moan the curtains were ripped back and Cameron stood there looking down at me worried. I tried to sit up but there was a sudden splitting pain shooting through my head and I covered it with my hands. Cameron picked me up and laid down, placing me on top of him and convinced me to let go of my head and began to rub it. Just his mire touch made me feel better instantly but I wasn’t going to say anything, I liked when he held me like this. When he finished he set my head down on his chest and I cuddled up to him wanting peace of mind and to just feel safe. Luke had left me shaken badly and now Cameron was slowly making me feel better.

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