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The three slashed through an army of droids  with their lightsabers ignited. "Easy," said Caleb.

"To easy," Anakin muttered.

"What do you mean Master Skywalker?" Asked Cal.

"There is something going on. I can feel it," Anakin explained.

"Ya, I felt that a while ago," said Caleb.

"Why are we even going? We should go and make a plan and come back later," Cal argued.

"I have a plan," Anakin stated.

"And what is that?" Asked Cal.

"Find them and escape," Anakin began to use the force to look for them.

"Wow, great plan," implied Caleb.

"I learned it from my Master," Anakin smirked.

"Um, I don't think that's-," Cal interjected.

"Shush," Anakin put a hand in front of Cal's face.

"What is it?" Asked Caleb.

"They're in here," he stopped in front of a large door.

"I sense evil," said Caleb.

"I sense a trap," Cal said grumpily.

"What are we going to do again?" Asked Caleb.

"Spring the trap," explained Anakin.
They walked into the room. There was four cells. At the front were two cells. The first one Anakin saw had a weak Obi-Wan Kenobi. He laid on the ground his eyes were barely open.

Next to his cell was another. Inside was a tired Ahsoka. She had large bags under her eyes. Her hand was pressed against the glass. "Don't do it, Master!" She yelled with her remaining energy.

As they continued to walk there were two more cells. Inside one were two people. His precious children. Leia and Luke. Anakin quickly looked away. He was supposed to protect them. Look at them now. Leia laid on the concrete floor with her frizzy hair and tired eyes. Luke sat down. He looked at his father with those eyes. The eyes that always held a glimmer of hope., but now that glimmer of hope is gone.

"Daddy!" Luke yelled. Leia quickly got up and pressed her face against the glass.

"Daddy! You came!" She jumped up and down in excitement. Anakin gave them a quick smile. Obi-Wan know sat up. He walked over to the glass and Anakin walked away her to him.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to save you again old man," Anakin smirked.

"Don't do it," warned Obi-Wan.

"Do what?"

"Vader! It is time for you to rise once again!" Said a booming voice. Anakin and the padawans looked over to a large throne. There sat Palpatine. In Palpatine's hands was the love of Anakin's life, the mother of his children, Padmé.

"The Dark side will rise once again!"
Hello There Everyone! Just a quick announcement! We are reaching the end of this book! There will be only a couple more chapters! What do you think about a sequel story?

Skywalker: Rise of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now