Father meets Children

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Kanobi looked over at his best friend. A wide sincere smile was spread across Anakin's face. In the room sat Padmé and Ahsoka. Padmé quickly swung her head to look at Anakin.
"Ani!" Padmé exclaimed. She ran over to embrace him. Anakin had a shocked yet pleased face. He slowly returned the embrace.
"Hey, Sky guy. Did ya miss me," said the voice of Anakin's former Padawan.
"More than ever Snips," Anakin responded.
"Looks like you went for a shorter haircut master," Ahsoka nagged. Anakin was shocked. He looked at mom/Obi-Wan for help.
"Ahsoka," said Obi-Wan in a stern voice.
"I like it short," she said. Anakin could tell Ahsoka was still shocked by how he looked and what he did. To be honest Anakin was too.
"Ani there are some other people waiting to greet you in the back," said Padmé. This whole time Anakin had forgotten that Padmé was pregnant before order 66. Anakin and Padmé walked towards the back room while Ahsoka and Obi-Wan talked about recent events. Obi-Wan was probably giving a whole long spiel about it.
While walking over Anakin's head ached. He was thinking about all of the mistakes he made. He almost killed the love of his life. Not to mention how many people he slaughtered.(shout out to the younglings).
"Are you okay Ani?" Padmé asked her distressed husband.
"Ya... " he lied shaking his head.
"It's not your fault Anakin," she said," It's Palpatine's. He twisted your mind."
"It is my fault, Padmé! I liked it when I was a Sith! I felt good when I killed all of those people. All of those friends," Anakin yelled loud enough that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka could probably hear.
"Anakin, please let's just put the past behind us. Let's just think about our children," Padmé pleaded.
"Wait, children?" He asked confused.
"Anakin, they're twins," Padmé admitted. Anakin's eyes shot wide open.
"T...twins?" He gulped.
"Yes Ani,"she repeated," do you want to meet them?"
"Um... ya. If it's ok with you," he said looking at the ground.
"Of course you can Ani you are the father." Padmé opened the door for him. Ani walked in first. Inside where to cribs.
" What are their names?" He asked. Looking at them happier then he had ever been before.
"This is Luke," she said picking up one of the babies and handing him to Anakin. "He looks just like you Ani."
That brought an even larger smile to his face than what he had before.
"Here is Leia," Padmé explained.
" Looks just like her mother," he responded," beautiful.

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