Skyguy and Snips

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"Master!" Ahsoka yelled running over and hugging Anakin in the Medical Center.
"Great to see you again Snips," Anakin welcomed while holding her in his arms. "Where's Obi-Wan and Padmé?"
"Well Master Obi-Wan is off to go find Master Tapal and his padawan Cal," Ahsoka explained.
"When will he be back?" Anakin asked.
"He said it shouldn't be over a week. He still has to find them, and Padmé is talking to Senator Organa."
"Do you know what for?" Anakin asked curiously.
"Not really probably just how to rebuild the republic and stuff.
"Where is Leia and Luke?" He asked worried for his children.
"I think that Padmé left them with Jar Jar." Anakin's eyes widened. "I bet they'll be fine."
"Let's head back Snips I'm getting tired of being here already," he said looking around cautiously.
"Speaking of which that's an awesome mask master," Ahsoka complimented.
"I can't wait to be able to take it off," he said discomfortable.
"You'll get it off soon."
"I hope so," he answered, "now let's get out of here before I get stopped for the 20th time. I'm a Jedi for Gods sake just let me leave." They both walked down the hall as swiftly as possible.
"Get prepped to leave snips," he assured.
"Uhh, Master," Ahsoka stared looking behind him.
A hand touched Anakin's right shoulder. He turned around with his spunky attitude. "Yes?" He asked impatiently.
"Master Skywalker, I would just like to remind you to come in very soon and we will run over your routine while here," the droid explained.
"Ok, ok, ok, bye gotta go goldy," he said trying to exit from the conversation.
"But Mr. Skywalker one more thing."
"Yes," he said dining around while rolling his eyes.
"If you ever need anything we can get it for you." Anakin thought about fighting side by side with Ahsoka and Obi-Wan.
"Well there is one thing," he said slowly.
Anakin walked over to the droid and whispered what ever it was that he wanted. "Yes that's not hard at all. It should be here tomorrow."
"Thank you," he thanked with a wide smile. He walked over towards the ship with a confident smile.
"You seem happy master," Ahsoka commented.
"I am snips," he responded sitting in a chair in the ship. He sat back and put his feet on a chair in front of him.
"Hello Master Kanobi," Ahsoka said to the hologram.
"Is there something wrong?" He commented. Ahsoka clung her head to the side. There was a loud bang from Anakin's room.
"I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to check on Anakin." Ahsoka quickly walked to Anakin's room. "Master?"
Ahsoka walked into the room. Her hand was on her lightsaber.
"Ya, Snips?" Asked Anakin on the ground.
Ahsoka jerked back in surprise not only was there a loud bang and her master was on the floor, but his left arm was off.
"Oh sorry I didn't tell you. I was working on my mechanical arm," he explained.
"What was the loud bang?" She asked.
"Well , um... I kinda... fell," he admitted.
"There we go!" He exclaimed.
"What did you do?" Ahsoka questioned her master.
"Something didn't feel quite right on this arm. So I fixed the mechanics in it," he proudly explained.
"Master Kanobi is online," she said.
"Okay I'm coming," he came out of the room with Ahsoka holding one arm in his other hand.
"Sorry Master Kanobi to keep you waiting," Ahsoka apologized.
"It's ok Ahsoka," Obi-Wan looked over to Anakin to see one of his arms off. Obi-Wan looked at Anakin in a confused manner.
"Hey master," he said waving his detached hand.
"Looks as if your sense of humor is still in tact, Anakin," Obi-Wan chuckled. Anakin waved it off, literally. He attached his arm to his body and continued the conversation.
"So how's the mission going?" Ahsoka asked.
"I just found their coordinates I should be there in less than a day," he explained, "than I'll head back with Tapal and Kestis."
"Okay master," Anakin nodded.
"May the force be with you," said Obi-Wan l. The transmission ended Ahsoka and Anakin where left there in utter silence.

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