More Machine Than Man

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"I think I just found out answer!" Anakin announced. They walked over to the small control panel on the wall.
"Good job Anakin," Obi-Wan praised.
"I think that might be a door," Cal began.
"To Palpatine's lair," Ahsoka finished.
"How are we going to get in?" Cal asked.
"Lucky for you guys I'm more machine than man," Anikan says the sad remark with his iconic smile. Anakin puts his hand on the control panel. Multiple beeps came from the panel. He closed his eyes feeling the machine. He always had a connection with machines. Even before he became one himself. The beeps continued until he could see the door unlock in his mind. He heard the door began to unlock.
"Master you did it!" Ahsoka yelled in joy.
"Well of course I did snips," he said with his cocky smile.
"Thank you for your cockiness Anakin, but we must hurry," Obi-Wan interjected.
     "Yes, of course master," Anakin apologized. They walked through the hidden door. The halls were a whitish grey.
"This looks suspicious," Obi-Wan commented referring to the amount of stormtroopers which was absolute zero.
"He knew that I would be here," Anakin murmured.
"Anakin do you see the storm troopers over there?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Anakin asked, "Ahsoka there are only two of them. I need you and Cal to go and find our ships."
"Yes master, come on Cal," she said quietly. They both ran out towards the cave. The two men quietly walked through the halls.
"Hey Master," Anakin whispered.
"Yes Anakin?" Kenobi asked.
"Do you want to do get help?" Anakin asked.
"Get help? Absolutely not," Obi-Wan shut down the question.
"Ok master, but remember it got us out of the gundark situation," Anakin persisted.
"Anakin Stormtroopers are not Gundarks," Obi-Wan argued.
"Ok master, if you insist.
Literally 20 seconds later...
"Somebody help! My master is hurt!" Anakin yelled to the troopers, "Please help him!" Anakin got closer and closer to them. Until he suddenly threw Obi-Wan at the guards. Obi-Wan stood up and straightened his robes.
"I hate it when he does that," he muttered.
Anakin and Obi-Wan took off the guards uniforms, "how do they even see in these?" Anakin asked, putting on his helmet.
"We will worry about that another time, I believe they are in Detention Block AA-23," Obi-Wan said.
"How do you know that?" Anakin asked.
"It's written on this piece of paper, Anakin," Obi-Wan answered. They ran through the halls. Anakin was desperate to find his wife and children no matter what condition he was in.
"They should be close," Obi-Wan announced. They ran to the cell that was labeled AA-23.
In the cell sat a woman with long hair and two children, "Aren't you a little tall for a stormtrooper?" The woman asked. At first Anakin stared at her confused.
"Oh ya, the mask," Anakin said. He took off the helmet he was wearing, "Hey honey, I'm home." Anakin rubbed his hand through his hair. This was the handsome man she married on Naboo. The confident Jedi she loved. The father of her children.
"Well your our savior aren't you?" She asked. She reached out for his hand. They put their foreheads together through the prison bars. "Ani, what happened to you?" She asked. She could see how pale he was and his red nose and cheeks. She could see the bags under his eyes it looked like he hadn't slept in months. "Why are you so cold?"
"Let's just say the cold and Anakin do not mix," Obi-Wan interjected, "now are we just going to stand here or are we going to break you out?"
"Yes of course," Anakin said letting go of Padmé. He walked over to the panel for Padmé's cell. He placed his hand on it. He thought deeply about his love for Padmé and the new life they had created.
"Did you guys say something!" Anakin asked breaking free of his trance.
"No Ani," Padmé responded. Anakin began to ignore the voice he heard.
"Got it," Anakin said. They door to the cell clicked and unlocked. Padmé came out holding both of the Children. "Here I'll hold Leia." Padmé handed Leia to Anakin. Anakin stared into his daughter's eyes. She was gorgeous. He could never live without her or Luke.
Clicks came from down the hall, the white lights turned red, and loud sirens went off.
"I have a bad feeling about this."

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