Cal Kestis (May the Forth be with You Special)

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Young Cal Kestis was exhausted. It was the hardest he had worked in day for training. He had just made it through today's optical course.
"Nice work kid," acknowledged a clone standing next to Cal's master Jaro Tapal.
"Thanks!" Cal said giving the clone a high five.
"You did good my young padawan," Tapal began, "you still have much to learn. Next work I will push you even harder than ever before..."
The clone activated a transmission. The three words that ended the Jedi were said. The three words the Jedi fear the most, "Execute order 66," Palpatine commanded.
Tapal grabbed his temple. He could hear the voices of a thousand Jedi that were now gone. One conversation stood out the most.

"No! It's against the Jedi code!"
"He has control over the senate. He is to dangerous to be kept alive!"
"Need him!" A lightsaber went on. A loud scream filled Tapal's head.
"What have I done?"
Something was wrong, "Are you okay master?" Cal asked.
"Do you feel it?" Tapal questioned.
"Yes , a little."
"Something is wrong." Tapal turned around, "get the ship ready."
The clone put its gun to face Tapal's back. His ding slowly pressed the trigger, "Master!" Cal exclaimed. Tapal quickly and swiftly killed the clone.
"What is happening master?" Cal asked full of fear.
"I don't quite know yet my young apprentice. We must get off this ship though."
"How will we do that the clones are expert where?" Cal asked. The door to the training room began to open.
"Get to the control room Cal! I'll block them and I'll meet you there." Call shook his head up and down," remember Cal these men are not your friends."
"Yes master," call responded. Cal took one last look at his master.
Call ran off and didn't stop. He had to run on walls to evade capture. He had to force push and pull things away or towards him. He was don't everything his master taught him. He made it through the halls having to kill all of the clones who were once his friends. Cal came to a hula in the control room. There was a large glass window where master Tapal stood.
"You must press the red button quickly and then continue to run through the door I will be there," he assured Cal.
"Yes master," he said. Cal quickly pressed the button and ran through the the door. A while down the hallway stood Tapal.
"The escape pods should be right in here," Tapal explained. He opened the door, "go open the escape pod Cal."
Cal ran over to a little key pad and started typing in codes. The door on the opposite said began to creek open, "Hurry Cal!" Tapal yelled. A group of clones walked in already shooting at Tapal. Tapal blocked every shot, "Hurry up Cal!"
"I'm trying master!"
The clones got closer and closer to Tapal. Tapal's blocking slowed down. Own blast slipped through and hit Tapal in the stomachache.
"Cal!" He yelled.
"Almost Master," he assured him.
Tapal got back up quickly and began blocking agin. He couldn't keep his guard much longer.
"It's ready Master!" Cal exclaimed.
Tapal started walking back into the escape pod slowly. There was no preventing it.Tapal slipped the clones shot him again and again. Cal had to stand there and watch. Tapal laid there on the ground.
"Stop!" He yelled, "STOP!" All the clones hulted in movement. Cal grabbed his masters arms and dragged him into the escape pod and left for space. Ha sat next to his master to hear his final words.
"Cal you did great," a tear rolled down Cal's cheek, "you did everything you could have. You were a great padawan to me. I could never have gotten a better padawan than you. Please take my lightsaber. Take it and hide."
"Ok master I will," he promised.
"May the force be with you my padawan," he granted.
"Thank you master," Cal thanked.
Tapal was now one with the force.Cal laid over his masters body crying.
Tapal stood in the force ghost realm with Qui-Gon Jinn and all the other dead Jedi, "Don't cry young one. I am happier than ever, I am one I'm with the force and the force is with me. I will stay here forever watching over you. I know you will accomplish great things my young padawan. My only wish for you is that you will trust the force. It will lead you in the direction you need to go. The force will be with you, Cal always."
Hello There everyone and may I say may the forth be with you. I just want to let you know that I'm going to try to write as many stories as possible today! And of course watch the season finale of the Clone Wars. I wanted to bring a little something for the Fallen Order fans! (Rebel fans you're next!) I just wanted to let you know that even in these rough times the force is with us all!
May the force be with you my friend!

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