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1 year later

Jayla Richardson

^^ Kinsley  11 months

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^^ Kinsley  11 months

It was my moms birthday today, I haven't seen her since the situation. I knew everybody was doing good with out me, but it was hard raising Kinsley without a father figure around. Most of the times I had to take her to work with me when my nanny was away. Although I love her with all my heart it's just hard raising her by myself.

She ran up to me and laid her head on my legs, She lifted her head and smiled at me. "What you want Kisnley?" I said looking at her. She laughed and climbed on me. "Awww your a big girl now." I said clapping. She started clapping with me.

We was interrupted by the sound of my phone going off. I picked her up and walked over towards my phone. As I answered it, I heard my moms voice. "Jayla? Baby can you hear me?" She spoke. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet. "Baby, you don't have to say anything. I just need to see you okay. Come and see me please I need to see you." She said sounding like she was going to cry. "hi mama." I finally spoke.

I heard her gasp, she let out a little laugh. "Baby I haven't heard your voice in so long. I'm having a little get together at my house and I want you to come." She said to me. "Okay mom." I said as kinsley started laughing.

My mom paused for a moment. "Baby who's that?" She spoke sounding curious. "It's your granddaughter mom." I said putting her on speaker phone. "Hey baby." She said, Kisnley started smiling at clapping her hands. "I guess she remembers your voice." I said looking at Kinsley. "Well that's good. Hurry up on down here so I can see y'all." She said before hanging up.

I sat my phone down and walked to Kisnley's room. I laid her on the bed as I went in her closet to find her a outfit. I grabbed the black heart dress I brought her when she was a baby. Then I grabbed her white uggs sandals to match. After I got her dress I packed her diaper bag. I placed all her stuff in there for later reasons. I grabbed her and the bag. I walked to my room, I sat her on the floor to play as I took a bath.

I got out and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wrapped a towel over me and walked towards my closet. I grabbed my strapless blue dress and some slippers. I spread some perfume on and did my makeup. After I was done I put on my lashes and I turned off the light as I walked out. I grabbed my keys off the dresser and walked downstairs. I walked outside to my car and started it up.

I turned the AC on so Kisnley sousing be hot. I walked back into the house and got her. I sat her in the living room so I can pack her snack bag. After everything was done I finally come leave. I placed her in the car seat and walked out the door wit her things. Then I placed her in the car. I got in and we was on the road finally.

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