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"You think mama would be mad if I steal a couple of dollars?" Karter asked as we walked into Mama and Daddy room.

Mama just left to go grocery shopping and Daddy was suppose to be here watching us but he's not.

"Yes Karter! Stop stealing you're going to get locked up." I yelled at him.

"Locked up? Kinsley I know you're slow but I'm only 7 why would I get locked up?" Karter asked giving me a dumb look while sliding the money in his pockets.

"Kins I'm hungry." Jae walked in wiping her eyes.

"Do we even have anything to eat on?" Karter asked as I pushed him out the room.

"Of course we do, why wouldn't we?" I said sarcastically as we walked to the kitchen. I searched for something simple to fix.

"I want cereal!" Jae yelled seeing her favorite box of cereal on the island. I began to fix her cereal when I noticed my cereal was missing.


"hmm?" He responded turning the T.V. on to play his game.

"Did you eat my cereal?"

"If you're talking about them Reese's Puffs that was halfway gone and the bag was torn up then no I didn't." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You can just have some of my cereal Kins." Jae offered handing me her cereal. I smiled fixing me some too.

We grabbed our bowls and sat down by Karter who we watched play the game.

"You think Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce?" Jae asked.

"No? Why you say that?"

"Well I heard her and Nana talking about Daddy leaving Mommy for good." She began to cry.

"Jaelynn they're not getting a divorce okay?" I said comforting her.

"But my friend parents got a divorce and her and her siblings were separated."

"I mean if they do I'm going with pops." Karter as I hit him on the head. "I'm just saying dang."

"They're not getting a divorce dummy." I mugged him.

"I mean come on Kins you really think they want each other anymore? When was the last time they hugged? Or even kissed? Dad hasn't been home in a while and Ma is always crying. If you clean your glasses more then maybe you can see what's going on." Karter said facing me.

"Okay? Parents don't always have good days Karter." I fought back.

"This has been going on for months and you're pretending that it's not. Snap into reality Kinsley they're breaking up." Karter argued back. "So stop lying to Jae."

"They aren't breaking up. We've been through a lot Karter especially me and you." I said and he became quiet. "You really think they'll give up on each other after we went through so much?"

"Kinsley they don't love each anymore. If they did dad would be here watching us. But where is he?" Karter looked around. "Exactly"

"Who don't love each other anymore?" We looked back to see mom in the doorway with bags in her hands.

"MOMMY!" Jae jumped up and ran to mama. I turned to Karter who shrugged his shoulders putting his attention back on the game.

"Where's y'all father?" Mama asked sitting the bags down and picking up Jae.

"Daddy never came." I said walking towards the kitchen to help put up the groceries.

"What? Y'all were here alone the whole time?" She asked and I nodded.

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