1. March 2019.

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 I just couldn't be happier I mean I could but right now I have a smile on my face, I feel satisfied, I'm happy.

On my way, while I was on the bus my phone was ringing but I didn't recognize the number, it was a landline but anyways I answered it. "Hello?" "Hey, it's Will." "Oh, hey!" I was surprised and happy to hear his voice, it always makes me feel good. He was calling me from the gym to tell me that a new therapist will train me today, it's like I'm his test, to see if he's any good because he will be joining the gym anyway. I knew that a new guy would greet me but, I didn't know that I would be with the guy the whole hour. Getting closer to the gym, I saw Will a couple of meters further from me. I was pretending to be busy on my phone but when I got to him I lifted my head and said hi. I asked him why are we doing therapy because my shoulder feels good. He started explaining to me about my shoulder at what state it is and, what can we do to prevent further pain but, unfortunately for me I wasn't listening because I was looking at his beard and his eyes and as I was looking at him and his perfect beard, the sound of his voice was fading away. I just couldn't help but to look at his beautiful blue eyes, I could lose myself in them. His eyes, I saw them but not in the way I needed to. I saw a spark or maybe they were just shining, I don't know. Do you know what I love the most about his eyes? It's his look, the way he is looking at you, his look can tell you everything. It makes me swoon and warm inside. I know what he said, how he called me, but maybe, just maybe he said that not to fool me but also to fool himself. Maybe he feels something, I don't know, he's not completely open with me, maybe he doesn't want to go too personal with me, I get it. He's mysterious, I hope that I'll learn more about him. When we went our ways he said something funny and then he smiled. He needs to smile more, he's gorgeous. That smile can kill me one day. God, I want to kiss him, on the cheek of course, but also his lips. He's a friend, he's a friend, right?

So, the new guy greeted me and gave me my gear. Before we started anything he introduced himself and I did it the same. He was ok, for now, but then when I started on the treadmill he was being weird. Wherever I go he was carrying my towel and he was seriously creepy, I don't know. I needed to lift my leg so he was lifting for me, I mean what? I wanted to be by myself on the bike but no, he was standing close to me with his hands behind and looking at me like a bodyguard or that security guy at the mall. He was too much and I couldn't wait to finish this torture. Later I told the guy that I have therapy and then I left to where I needed to be. "Oh, there you are." I was smiling for no reason but I saw on his face that he wasn't in a mood so I didn't say much. He turned it on and left but he came back asking me to help him with something on his phone. When the treatment was done I told him that this is the last training session and that sounded like 'What now?' "Well, are you still here?" "I am still here." He's still here, he's still here. I was dancing in the locker room, I was dancing with happiness. 

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