2. November 2018.

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I don't know how to explain my feelings about him. I like him, yes, but I wish that I could do it already with him, just like taking a band-aid off, quick and painful. I am happy, I am excited about tomorrow.

Before I got out of the house I bought these coconut cookies that he and I both love, so I put them all in one small box with the rest of the sweets, it's a mix that I made for him. I got ready for training and as I entered the gym Will welcomed me with arms wide open. Before we shook hands I was preparing from under the towel to reveal the box and to give him that box of cookies. "I had to." He grabbed my hand and congratulated me by kissing me (it's a Serbian custom to kiss three times). Will was happy to receive cookies even though he told me not to bother. So, he was eating coconut cookies when he realized that they are store-bought. While he was enjoying them he came to me. "They weren't on the table, right?" I was hesitating to answer. "No, they were not." I smiled because I was happy that he noticed but I saw his reaction and my smile to him was saying 'Oops, sorry, I did that on purpose just because' and he gave me a look that said 'Thank you for these but I'll kill you, you shouldn't have spent the money on me'. While I was on a treadmill I spilled the beans, I had to, I felt bad that I lied. When he asked about masters I told him that I still haven't graduated. "What about tomorrow?" He asked. "Oh, it's happening." I can't believe I said that the feeling is amazing. I felt so bold and courageous. Then he asked me "What happens when you graduate?" "When I do graduate we are going for pancakes." "I'm not saying no to that." So we already made plans for our next date.

If only he knew what he's doing to me. I am so happy. I am satisfied with my life right now. He makes my heart beat faster and pulse getting higher. He actually saw that today. He thought walking fast was the reason and because of it, he couldn't get it lower for a couple of minutes. I am so glad that I have met him, I love spending time with Will even though it's only at the gym, for now. We were talking about cookies and that showed me how similar are we. Two Pisces, I mean come on.

Tomorrow we are having training in the morning so after we'll be having coffee later. I don't know why but I wasn't feeling it, I mean it was morning but then I get it. Sometimes I can get selfish and I don't think about others and that's not fine, I'm trying to be better. I was also quick to judge, I thought he wouldn't want to be seen with me but it was because of his busy schedule.

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