23 Fight For Me 23

Start from the beginning

What the fuck was going on.


Kylo entered the throne room for what felt like the tenth time in the last few months. As he approached Snoke's throne, he was immediately shot down onto his knees, against his own will. He lacked all sources of power and became completely helpless.


The merciless pressure of Snoke's force hold was excruciatingly painful, Kylo's head ached. He witnessed Snoke's finger shifting towards the floor and soon enough, Kylo was face down, with his arms spread wide, laying on the cold black tile. He attempted to speak but the only thing that emerged from his throat was a tiny grunt.

"Look how weak you've become...all because of that GIRL."

The Commander's eyes shut tightly as he realized why he was really here. Snoke knew about Canto Bight, he knew about Kylo opening up to you. He must've felt Kylo being pulled towards the light...because Kylo had felt it too.

Kylo heard a muffling sound from behind him, he was unable to turn and find out where it was coming from, but soon enough...he knew. He could recognize that sound anywhere.

It was you.

Sheer panic set in and Kylo's veins were flowing with fury, you were trapped, and so was he. The Elite Praetorian Guards passed by him and Kylo gazed up to see the back of you, squirming...trying so hard to break free from their grasp.

Kylo gritted his teeth and his entire frame shook with rage.

Snoke was going to kill you.

"Oh I'm not the one that will be taking her life...You are." Snoke sneered.

Kylo's jaw hit the floor and his digits began to rake the tile that he laid upon. He was outraged, nauseated, absolutely beside himself.

Suddenly, Snoke released him from the force hold and Kylo scrambled to stand back up. Breathing heavily, he clenched his fists while his brow twitched in angst. The guards pivoted towards him, sinking their fingers into your petite wrists as you yelped. They savagely forced you down onto your knees in front of Kylo.

Your precious, tear filled eyes punctured Kylo's conscience...you were quaking with dread. The memory of your warm and comforting frame, encompassing his body that night on Canto Bight, clouded his judgment. You made his heart ache in every way possible, he'd never had such passionate feelings towards another human being before. There was something about you that liquified his soul. He felt as if you were the only one who's ever understood him, the only one that's ever given him purpose...and the only one to ever make him feel alive. It seemed you wanted him for him, that you didn't care about the baggage he carried...Kylo finally felt wanted by someone.

"Kill the girl Ren." Snoke's tone was vicious.

Kylo's teeth sunk into his lower lip as he ignited his saber.

                                     [YOUR POV]

"Please, Kylo." You whispered. A single tear trickled down your face and your lips quivered.

Kylo slowly raised his saber, hands trembling around the base of it. He shut his eyes and clenched his jaw, multiple veins arose on his neck and forehead. The sweat pooling on his face trickled down as he took his final breath of courage.

Kylo's entire body convulsed and all the blood his anatomy carried, traveled up to fill his face. He appeared as if he were being possessed by a foreign entity, filled with resentment. Suddenly an ear piercing scream emerged from the depths of his throat. Quicker than light speed he dropped his saber and it clattered onto the floor. His hands flew up and his fingers curled as he aimed for the ceiling above Snoke's throne. The guards darted towards Kylo with determination to kill, but sparks of red, electric bolts unleashed from both Kylo's palms. They flew back and collided with the surrounding walls.

This entire time Kylo had been resisting Snoke's insanely powerful stream of blue, zapping light, how?...you didn't know. But Kylo continued to grunt and yell as saliva seeped out the crevices of his lips. It ran down his beet red neck and his hands quaked with the force. With one last vibrating scream, Kylo's arms ripped down to meet his sides.

In an instant the ceiling overhead the throne had cracked, crumbling forcefully on top of Snoke. Kylo yanked you back, pulling you down onto the floor. His body shielded yours from any fragments that flew your way. He panted with exhaustion and you could feel his pulsating heart beat, you knew he was strained of all the strength his body retained. You latched your arms around one another's frame, beginning to sync the breaths you were claiming and releasing.

After the chaos subsided, Kylo slowly sat back up. Still kneeling, he kept you in his arms. He compressed you to his chest and you both gaped at the ruins of the throne room. Everyone was dead...Snoke was dead, the only thing that remained was his dismantled body. The gaurds laid sprawled out on the floor with puddles of blood escaping their helmets, the impact had killed them instantly.

You turned to Kylo and he was already facing you, staring at you with distraught eyes. He saved you.

Your digits immediately encompassed his head and he too pulled you in by the nape of your neck. Your lips collided and an overwhelming feeling of victory and freedom radiated throughout the air. Kylo was still trembling, enervated from the traumatic event you both had just endured. You pulled away and your gazes locked in a state of endearment. He searched your face, seeking refuge and suddenly, the corners of Kylo's mouth flipped upwards...he was smiling. Not a smirk, not a grin...a genuine, beaming smile. Your face transformed to match his expression and you both let out a soft laugh filled with relief.

[Author's note:] I'm a SUCKER for Ben Solo that's all.


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