"Your Majesty, you came a long way, I didn't expect you to become the Empress," Niu Lin gently lowered herself down to the floor, then kowtowing before me. "Please let me pay reverence to you."

        I blinked a few times before processing what was happening. Whether or not Niu Lin was mocking this situation or being serious, she would have never put her pride aside to kowtow to me. Still confused, I lowered myself to hold her wrists and help her up. "Please get up."

        She obliged. I helped her up while eyeing her suspiciously. Niu Lin pursed her lips, then darting her eyes away from mine. 

        "I came to thank you for helping me," I broke the silence. "Without you, I wouldn't have the late empress deposed."

        "Yes, Your Majesty. I agree. I was surprised you needed my help," Niu Lin remarked, crossing her arms with a smug expression on her face. "What happens if you need my help again?"

         I cleared my throat. "I don't understand."

        "Empress, although I am below you, you must understand how many concubines want your position," Niu Lin said, slightly with an attitude. She avoided my eyes. "I don't suppose that you'll remain this title because anyone can—"

        "The 'Imperial Noble Consort' title is vacant, I hope you know that," I responded sternly. "From this conversation, I suppose you don't want the title. You pay respect to me but you truly aren't afraid to voice your opinions, even if they are discourteous."

        Her conflicting thoughts were driven by jealousy. I noticed it when she talked to me. She looked in discomfort when she bowed to me, and she looked uncomfortable speaking against me. I think she has an inferiority complex.

        Niu Lin was seemingly confident and arrogant, but deep down, she was insecure. The amount of gossiping she does shows that.

         Her shoulders relaxed as she exhaled sharply. "I am just warning you. It has nothing to do with anything else, Your Majesty."

         "You don't have to be concerned with what I do or what I don't do. Don't think you'll ever be able to take my place," I snapped, then smirking at her. "Besides, the Empress will always be an empress."

       I turned around to leave, noticing her maids bowing to me as I took my departure. The energy of the room was a mix of emotions. Niu Lin would be useful, but I didn't need her help anymore. If she thinks I am relying on her for help, she has mistaken. I would have punished her right then and there but I took the high road. 

        Still, I wanted to at least play a nice role as an empress. Enemies will still come, but they also can go. Chang Ying was still able to keep her title even though her confession was still running around in my head.

        Hiding this information from the Emperor made me feel even more guilty. I'm tired of feeling guilty all the time. There was no way of bringing it up to the Emperor, anyway... yet the Emperor deserved to know the truth. Every time I saw him, Chang Ying's crazy self appeared in my head. The guilt was killing me. 

         I knew the truth. My maids knew the truth. Su Yin knew the truth.

        In the evening, I visited the Emperor to discuss the harem. I made sure to look presentable. Due to the constant hair-dos, my scalp was literally dying. I can't believe my head was strong enough to hold the excessive amount of pins and headpieces. Taking it out was also annoying, but I'm glad I wasn't the one who does it.

       The sky was beautiful. As I looked at the river, it reflected the orange, yellow and pink swirls infusing with the clouds. The scenery was blissful, and I felt at peace for once. How I wanted to walk for once, just feeling the summer breeze on my skin.

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